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In A Mellow Tone
Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 with Ian M
The Bill Evans Trio at Camp Fortune - 50 years ago, plus the Stan Getz Quartet

50 years ago tonight, the Bill Evans gave an outdoor concert in the natural amphitheater of Camp Fortune. We will hear the entire concert, as well as a 1974 concert by the Stan Getz Quartet. For more details on the concerts, check out:
One For Helen
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
The Two Lonely People
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
So What
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
Very Early
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
If You Could See Me Now
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
34 Skidoo
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
Blue In Green
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
T.T.T. - Twelve Tone Tune
Bill Evans Trio - Blue In Green: The Concert in Canada - Milestone Records, 1991
Hullo Bolinas
Bill Evans Trio - Bill Evans - The Tokyo Concert - Fantasy Records, 1974 (1990 reissue)
Times Lie
Stan Getz Quartet - Round Midnight - Jazz Door, 1994
Lester Left Town
Stan Getz Quartet - Round Midnight - Jazz Door, 1994
500 Miles High
Stan Getz Quartet - Round Midnight - Jazz Door, 1994
Round Midnight
Stan Getz Quartet - Round Midnight - Jazz Door, 1994
Stan's Blues
Bill Evans Trio (feat. Stan Getz) - But Beautiful - Milestone Records, 1996
But Beautiful
Bill Evans Trio (feat. Stan Getz) - But Beautiful - Milestone Records, 1996
Interactive CKCU
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Welcome to In A Mellow Tone!

8:59 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ron Steeds
Great idea for the show, Ian!

9:13 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Thanks Ron - did you attend any of the Camp Fortune concerts?

9:19 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ron Steeds
I wish. Fifty years ago I was listening to rock music. I put it down to being an ignorant 20 year old

9:25 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Well, to your credit, there was some good rock music in those days!

9:27 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ron Steeds
You’re too kind. I think it was a pretty accurate description.

9:34 PM, July 3rd, 2024
G. B.
Great show and music. Camp Fortune was a wonderful’venue Great show. We missed it too, the #6 Bus didn’t go there.! Unfortunately. A time when CBC had a budget. .

9:46 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Yes, and someday I hope they dig through their vaults and make more recordings available - a lot of good Canadian and international artists played there.

9:49 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
And I remember with fondness the ol’ no. 6!

9:51 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ron Steeds
All was well done (except a bit of Eddie’s arco bass in the higher register), in my humble opinion…

9:59 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
I agree, a bit grating.

10:01 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ron Steeds
Thanks for the promo, Ian!

10:02 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Great show! was in TO then...lotta great free jazz park concerts....& Maple Leafs Baseball team @ Christie Pits....pass the hat collections....

10:02 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Thanks hillbilly - I’m sure there was good free music in Toronto too! Perhaps Bill Evans passed through on his way to Ottawa!

10:05 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Thanks for listening to this time capsule of 50 years ago!

10:52 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ron Steeds
Enjoyed it immensely, Ian. Thank you!

11:11 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Thanks Ron!

11:12 PM, July 3rd, 2024
Heavy Ben
Great show, Ian! 4,000 fans in attendance for Bill Evans - interesting to hear that figure.

10:01 PM, July 4th, 2024