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Bew Cocky Salsa
Tuesday February 4th, 2014 with the Staples
Canadian Indie Darlings

These bands all hail from the Great White North AND could be considered indie acts. Some might say 'Don't you do that all the time?', and I'd reply 'Not nearly enough, friend.'
Hexes & Ohs - Highschool Madness Canadian
Slow Knots
Brasstronaut - Mount Chimaera Canadian
Ready to Start
the Arcade Fire - the Suburbs Canadian
the Deadroads
the Rural Alberta Advantage - Hometowns Canadian
This Thing About You
Miracle Fortress - Five Roses Canadian
Dan Mangan - Nice Nice Very Nice Canadian
Born Ruffians - Birthmarks Canadian
My Favorite Book
the Stars - In Our Bedroom After the War Canadian
My Moon My Man
Feist - the Reminder Canadian
Islands - Return to the Sea Canadian
European Oils
Destroyer - Rubies Canadian
Love and Mathematics
Broken Social Scene - Feel Good Lost Canadian