On this weeks episode I go full hardcore with a bunch of 1980s hardcore from around the world including Destrucktions and Bastards from Finland, Disarm from Sweden, Auróra Cirkáló from Hungary, Bloody Riot from Italy, Anti-System and The Insane from the UK, Vorkriegsjugend from Germany, B.G.K. from the Netherlands, Direct Action from Canada, Mercenárias from Brazil, and Rebel Truth, United Mutation, and Reflex From Pain from the U.S.
Ammattaiydistys Destrucktions - Vox Populi - Rock-O-Rama Records - 1983 |
Rhetorical Stagnation Anti-System - No Laughing Matter - Reconciliation Records - 1985 |
Robotok Auróra Cirkáló - Demo 1984 - independent - 1984 |
Nervous Breakdown Bloody Riot - ST - Meccano Records - 1985 |
Why Die The Insane - Why Die ! - Insane Records - 1982 |
Child Hosts The Parasite Rebel Truth - ST1983 - Version Sound - 1983 |
Civil Terror B.G.K. - Nothing Can Go Wrogn! - Vögelspin Records, Alternative Tentacles - 1986 |
Santa Igreja Mercenarias - Cadê As Armas? - Baratos Afins - 1986 |
Tanz Den Ratachacha Vorkriegsjugend - Vorkriegsjugend - Zorro - 1985 |
Sag Nej Disarm - Dömd - CBR Records - 1986 |
Final Solution United Mutation - Fugitive Family - DSI Records, Dischord Records - 1983 |
Repression, Eat The Rich Direct Action - Trapped In A World - Irate Faction Records, World Records - 1985 ![]() |
Huominen Tulee Painajainen Alkaa Bastards - Harhaa - Propaganda Records - 1982 |
Media Control Reflex From Pain - Black And White - Death Threat Records - 1983 |