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In My Good Books
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 with Pat Moore
Short story by Mike Sadava - I'll read to you "Back at the Ranch" and play a few tunes for you as well - John Prine, Bruce Cockburn, and Mike Sadava

Hi everyone! Another story by Mike Sadava today, from his book of short stories called The Project. Today Mike's story takes us to a hippie commune back in the '60's, as seen through the eyes of the "hippies", today. It's a fun read, take a listen, I hope you enjoy! I'll marry the story up with John Prine, Bruce Cockburn, and even a song from Mike Sadava, our feature author today.
Le P'tite Porte Clé (background)
La Bottine Souriante - Anthologie Canadian
Back at the Ranch
Mike Sadava (read by Pat Moore) - The Project Canadian
Spanish Pipedream
John Prine - The Singing Mailman Delivers
Going to the Country
Bruce Cockburn - Bruce Cockburn Canadian
Mike Sadava - demo Canadian New
Le P'Tite Porte Clé (Background)
La Bottine Souriante - Anthologie Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Jack Kerouac (hillbilly;-)
Great Story!!! Fun! I'm beat...pre "On The Road" right now...half way through...was a great time...I headed out for Frisco ... we all did;-)... Thanks

7:41 PM, January 26th, 2021
Hey Hillbilly! Thanks! So Glad you enjoyed it!

2:38 PM, January 27th, 2021