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Wednesday December 18th, 2024 with Carolyn, host of Always for Animal Rights
In my eighth interview with the vegan sociologist Roger Yates, we explore the history and values of the vegan animal rights movement, and more!

This week, I am pleased to present my eighth interview with the sociologist and long-time animal rights advocate Roger Yates, PhD, who has been a vegan for four and a half decades. Roger’s 2005 PhD dissertation focused on the social construction of speciesism. In the 1980's, he was a Press Officer for the Animal Liberation Front. He is currently the organizing volunteer for the Vegan Information Project, a group that he co-founded in Ireland in 2013. He also has a blog, social media, and YouTube channel, where he advocates for veganism and animal rights from an abolitionist perspective. In this discussion, Roger and I explore the history and values of the vegan, animal rights, and anti-vivisection movements. Roger explains what he means when he says that veganism is the Great Refusal, and we discuss tactical and theoretical issues and debates within modern-day animal advocacy. Roger also shares his idea about how vegans could collectively purchase land that could be used to advance the goals of the vegan social movement. This interview was recorded during November, World Vegan Month.
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