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Wednesday May 19th, 2021 with Carolyn Harris
This week, the vegan sociologists Kate Stewart and Matthew Cole discuss whether we can create a vegan world. We'll also listen to a re-broadcast of my interview with the abolitionist vegan educator Mariana Landeros Corona.

First, we will hear a re-broadcast of the English version of my interview with Mariana Landeros Corona, an abolitionist vegan educator who lives in California. In this interview, Mariana tells me about tells me about what led her to go vegan and become involved in Abolitionist vegan advocacy. She also explains how she talks to non-vegans about veganism, what abolitionist vegan advocacy initiatives are currently taking place around the world, and how we can still be involved in advocacy even during the COVID-19 lockdown. The entire bilingual (English and Spanish) version of this interview can be found at After that, we'll hear a segment from my recent interview with the vegan sociologists Matthew Cole and Kate Stewart, who speak about how we can stop the speciesism and anti-vegan rhetoric that exists in the mainstream media and popular culture, and whether there is hope that we can achieve a vegan world. The entire interview can be found at
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