Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 with Carolyn
Dominika Piasecka explains what the Vegan Society does and why vegans don't eat honey. Then, Shaun Hofer speaks about how the Alberta government is trying to repress animal rights activists.
Episode 9 of Always for Animal Rights features interviews with two excellent guests!
First up on the show is my interview with Dominika Piasecka. Dominika is the Media and PR Officer for the Vegan Society. Dominika spoke to me about what the Vegan Society does and why vegans don't eat honey. Also, as it is nearly November, Dominika explained what World Vegan Month is all about.
You can find out more about the free app that Dominika mentioned in the interview, called VeGuide, on the Vegan Society's website at https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/veguide.
To learn more about bees, please visit Be Fair Be Vegan's page titled "Who They Are", and scroll down to the section titled, "Individuals| The Rich Lives of Bees": https://befairbevegan.com/why-vegan/the-animals-we-use/who-they-are/.
After my interview with Dominika, AFAR's new Alberta Correspondent, Shaun Hofer, told me about how the Alberta government is trying to repress animal rights activists. He also described what animal rights activists are doing to expose what's happening to non-human animals in the animal exploitation industries, and we discussed how Albertan society views veganism.
Shaun also mentioned that there was going to be a rally outside Alberta's legislature at the time that this episode was originally broadcast. The rally, which was in protest of Alberta's proposed ag-gag laws, did indeed take place, and you can find the video on DxE Edmonton's Facebook Page.
In our interview, Shaun recommended that listeners watch the documentary Outlook, which is about a hog farm in Alberta. You can watch the documentary for free online at https://www.watchoutlook.com/.
You can find Always for Animal Rights on Facebook at facebook.com/alwaysforanimalrights. The blog can be found at https://alwaysforanimalrights.blogspot.com.
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