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White Rabbit
Thursday January 13th, 2022 with Reina and Dylan
Reinventing Downtown Ottawa

Last November, community activist Stuart MacKay wrote an op-ed in the Ottawa Citizen on how Ottawa can improve its downtown. This week on White Rabbit, Stuart goes into more detail about concepts in his article- such as tactical urbanism, liveable spaces, and transit accessibility! Stuart is also the co-founder of Ottawa Transit Riders and a board member of the Centretown Community Association. You can reach him on Twitter @MacKay_Stuart. Centretown Community Association: @CentretownCCA Ottawa Transit Riders: @OttTransitRider Link to Stuart's Article in the Ottawa Citizen: We also have TWO Ottawa artists on our playlist this week! (Mischa and Gold Bonds) Mischa: Gold Bonds:
Mischa - - Canadian New
Stars Align
Gold Bonds - Canadian
Interactive CKCU