Hexon Bogon
Friday November 11th, 2022 with Adriana Ciccone
Last week is this week Funding drive show #3.
Hexon Bogon listeners, I'm very sorry that this week's episode will be a repeat of last week's episode. Covid finally caught me last week. If you listen to the show, you'll know that I have Crohn's disease and that I'm immunocompromised. I was supposed to have my remicade infusion last Friday but that had to be postponed to this Thursday due to having covid. I was put on paxlovid right away and although my covid symptoms seem to be mostly gone now and I tested negative the other day, my Crohn's symptoms have worsened. All this to say that it's been a rough several days and I don't have the strength to put together a show this week.
I have been given the go ahead to get my infusion on Thursday so I should be better by next week, in time to put together a new show. At that time, I will announce the winner of the prize pack too and thank those who have contributed to the funding drive and have given permission to share their names with me.
Thanks to everyone who has donated to the funding drive so far. Until next week, stay well and happy. x
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Big virtual hug! Get better & repeats work great! 🌹
10:03 AM, November 11th, 2022