Movie Mondays
Monday August 27th, 2018 with Michael O'Keefe and Joshua Robert Bateman
Throwback Horror - an Interview with Tillman Singer
Not prepared for how much they had to say Mike and Josh go a little too long on three new films and a classic Trench 11 (2018), Papillon (2018), BlackKklansman (2018) and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) all of which you can catch in theatres around town right now (or on August 31st in the case of Trench 11). But they were prepared to possess you with the urge to go see the excellent arthouse horror film Luz (2018). Shot on 16mm film this twisted love story wowed audiences at the Berlin Film Festival as well as at Fantasia where Mike sat down to interview the director Tillman Singer, and producer Dario Mendez-Acosta.
Streets to Blame Keith Emerson - Murderock Soundtrack |