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Off The Charts
Monday November 22nd, 2010 with Chris Ikonomopoulos
And finally, the inevitable end to the official Turn Up The Radio! moratorium on 70s Rock.

And so it comes to a close. After 23 weeks in absence, the official Turn Up The Radio! moratorium on 70s Rock ends. Up for grabs is a small smattering of the genre that we took off the platter in June as we welcome back the [often] over-represented sounds of 70s Rock.
The Dawn
Osibisa - S/T - 1971 - Decca
Cubano Chant
El Chicano - Revolucion - 1971 - KAPP
Seven-ate Suite
Kaleidoscope - Incredible Kaleidoscope - 1969 - Epic
Bailter Space - Wammo - 1995 - Matador
Time We Left This World Today
Hawkwind - Doremi Fasol Latido - 1972 - United Artists
Blazed Out
Acid King - Free - 2001 - Man's Ruin / Kreation Records Re-Issue
Gittin' Busted
The Purple Fox - A Tribute To Jimi Hendrix - 1971 - Stereo Gold Award