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The Oort Cloud
Friday April 20th, 2018 with Mr. Moog Man
Far-Out Fri-Daze #420: Some trippy ass shit

What's Happening
Embryo - 40
White Noise - s/t
The Hole In A Sausage
Food Brain - Social Gathering
Star Stuff
Slow Dawn - Songs From A Distant Earth Canadian
Brainticket Part I
Brainticket - Cottonwood Hill
Brainticket Part I (Conclusion)
Brainticket - Cottonwood Hill
Brainticket Part II
Brainticket - Cottonwood Hill
Monster Planet
Steve Maxwell Von Braund - Monster Planet
Cold Smoke
Tangerine Dream - Electronic Meditation
Interactive CKCU
Far out! Into Brainticket Pt II about now (15:30-ish), I'm guessing. BIG ASS organ sounds, funky guitar and bass, big drums, old school synths, spoken word overlay ("don't believe me .. sex, no choice")... And I apologize to my neighbours for the unholy racket. ;^)

3:32 PM, April 20th, 2018
Rad and Bad! Brainticket is totally stratospheric! Wake me when its over!

3:36 PM, April 20th, 2018
Moog Man
Hey Peter! Thanks for tuning in and i figured you'd dig some brainticket ;) also i figured today would be a perfect day to play both parts. Haha

3:37 PM, April 20th, 2018
John Peippo (host)
Hey Barry! Thanks for tuning in! haha it'll be over soon ;) Got some more trippy and heavy electronic coming up

3:41 PM, April 20th, 2018