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Wednesday June 17th, 2015 with Erik "The Sound Surfer" Stolpmann
Celebrating the EHties (Part 1)

Due to my busy schedule over the past week, the June 17th show will be 80 percent music, 10 percent discussion, and 10 percent bad puns. And luckily for you listeners, it is all Canadian (from all over the nation) and straight from the 80's! No new music today, but a whole lot of throwbacks to the era that cultivated the very permanent waves that I ride each week. Additionally, the setlist will be a secret until it is played, so stay tuned to hear these EHmazing EHties tracks! Think of this as a two-week early Canada Day celebration. Enjoy and provide any feedback in the comments to the right! :) Many artists were located via this webpage:
Kiss You (When It's Dangerous)
Eight Seconds - Almacantar Canadian
Start of the Breakdown - Live at Oxford Apollo 8/4/1983
Tears For Fears - The Hurting (Super Deluxe Edition)
Won't You Listen?
The Gruesomes - HEY! Canadian
Listen to the Radio
Pukka Orchestra - Pukka Orchestra Canadian
The Box - All the Time, All the Time, All the Time Canadian
At The Feet Of The Moon
The Parachute Club - At The Feet Of The Moon Canadian
Who Says Girls Can't Rock
The B-Girls - Who Says Girls Can't Rock Canadian
Notown (In Particular)
Alta Moda - Alta Moda Canadian
20th Century Boy
Chalk Circle - The Great Lake Canadian
How Long
The Grapes of Wrath - Treehouse Canadian
Hopes Go Astray
The Northern Pikes - Secrets of the Alibi Canadian
Gowan - Strange Animal Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Erik Stolpmann (host)
It's a blast! Stay tuned for the follow-up episode in two weeks! More EHties fun will be had! :)

11:32 AM, June 17th, 2015
Shelley Ann Morris
Hi Erik, Really enjoying the music today--I can remember when it was popular! This is a real walk down memory land for me.

11:32 AM, June 17th, 2015
Eight Seconds? Gowan? Wow, that's a real walk down memory lane for us 'old' people. Great show!

12:01 PM, June 17th, 2015