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Electronic Meditation
Thursday November 19th, 2015 with Sean McFee

You Can't Kill Me
Gong - Live Etc. - Virgin Japan
Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes - Paix - Si-Wan
Gong track performed at the Bataclan club in 1973.

A little nostalgia to get us out of the present, and a little heartache to bring us back.
Littlest Hobo Theme Song
Terry Bush - single Canadian
Run With Us
Kevin Gillis - single Canadian
Guns, Sex & Glory
Rococode - Guns, Sex & Glory - private Canadian
In honour of my recent trip to Hoofddorp ("What's a Hoofddorp?"), a couple of Dutch musicians to round out hour one.
Voorspel in Sofia
Flairck - Varaities op een dame - Polydor
A Different Man, Part II
Knight Area - Under a New Sign - Laser's Edge
PFM will be playing Montreal this Sunday. This may be the last chance to see them in North America, so here's a few tracks to commemorate the occasion.
Introduzione / Impressioni di Settembre
PFM - Storia di un minuto - RCA Italiana
Appena un po
PFM - Per un amico - Si-Wan
l'Isola di niente
PFM - l'Isola di niente - RCA
We'll close the show with a couple of tracks inspired by Japanese high speed rail, because who wouldn't be, and an extra hit of Norwegian group Motorpsycho.
Jaga Jazzist - Starfire - Ninja Tune
Shinkansen West
Node - Node 2 - DiN
The Ocean In Her Eye
Motorpsycho - Trust Us - Stickman
Interactive CKCU