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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday December 12th, 2011 with Ralph Hopper

The special program featuring the winning works for JTTP 2011 is being postponed due to our transmitter problems. We hope to have this fixed by next week and will air the JTTP special at that time. Regular program today
Zircus Zircus
David Berezan - Presence 1 - CEC Canadian
La Rue de la cage verte
Gonzalo Biffarella - Mestizaje
Homenaje a E.C.
Gonzalo Biffarella - Mestizaje
Ca, c'est Bourges
Gonzalo Biffarella - Mestizaje
Rowell Rogers - CDCM Computer Music Series vol 9 - Centaur
Jose Luis Carles - Cultures Electroniques 19/2006
Roxanne Turcotte - Desordres - IMED