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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday August 13th, 2018 with Ralph Hopper
Stephane Roy, Curt Veeneman, Katharine Norman, Gordon Fitzell, Erin Gee, Gabriel Girard

Trois petites histoires concretes
Stephane Roy - Migrations - IMED Canadian
A Song for Sarah’s Birthday
Curt Veeneman -
Curt Veeneman -
Bells and Gargoyles
Katharine Norman - Transparent things Canadian
Zipper Music ll
Gordon Fitzell - Canadian
Rainbow in the Night
Erin Gee - Canadian
Silent Walk Around the globe
Gabriel Girard - Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Elorious Cain
Loving the music Ralph. When I was a child buying records like this in the 1960's I though it was the future of popular music. I still do.

12:58 PM, August 13th, 2018
Ralph Hopper (host)
Thanks Elorious, good to know that EA still has a future. :)

1:10 PM, August 13th, 2018