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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday April 25th, 2016 with Ralph Hopper
Martin Bedard, Thanos Chrysakis, Volkmar Klien, Emmanuel Mieville, Panayiotis Kokoras, Gilles Fresnais, Felipe Otondo

Two works from the 2014 Metamorphoses competition along with a couple of works that are untitled, just the track number in reference.
Martin Bedard - Metamorphoses 2014 Canadian
#1 #2
Thanos Chrysakis - Subterranean Sky - Aural Terrains
violin and electronics #6 #7
Volkmar Klien - VLCLEL
Emmanuel Mieville - Soundcloud
Panayiotis Kokoras - Metamorphoses 2014
Les chants de la mer
Gilles Fresnais - self Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Interesting tribute to Prince Ralph. ;^)

1:16 PM, April 25th, 2016
Ralph Hopper (host)
Thanks Peter

1:18 PM, April 25th, 2016