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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday December 23rd, 2013 with Ralph Hopper
Francis Dhomont, Bjarni Gunnarsson, Stephan Dunkelman, Philippe-Aubert Gauthier and Erin Gee

We hear the 3rd and final work from Francis Dhomont's CD 'Etudes pour Kafka' today along with two more pieces by Icelandic composer Bjarni Gunnarsson along with a work from the Metamorphoses 2000 EA competition by Stephan Dunkelman. A great line up of music for you today.
À propos de K
Francis Dhomont - Etudes pour Kafka - IMED Canadian
SNRatio i
Philippe-Aubert Gauthier - Canadian
Rainbow in the Night
Erin Gee - Canadian
Bjarni Gunnarsson - Processes and Potentials - 3Leaves
Bjarni Gunnarsson - Processes and Potentials - 3Leaves
Dreamlike Shudder in an Airstream; Part 1; for a crumpled woman
Stephan Dunkelman - Metamorphoses 2000