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Thursday Special Blend - Geek On
Thursday September 19th, 2013 with Kiernan Mac
Geek On! Have Video Games And Video Game Trailers Contributed To The Music Industry?

Ever since there have been video games, there has been video game music. Over the years however this music has developed from various "bleeps", "bloops", and "blaps", to a wide array of licensed music recorded by a plethora of musicians in the music industry. Moreover, this licensed music used within these games has helped influence a generation of new listeners to the wonders of an industry whose music is virtually timeless. Relive the discussion as host Kiernan Mac delves into whether video games and video game trailers have contributed to the promotion of licensed music in the music industry. Did the “Gears of War” trailer heavily contribute to the later success of the Tears for Fears song “Mad World”? Does licensed music played as part of a video game narrative contribute to the popularity of said music? Will Kiernan Mac ever buy that lottery ticket? Find out only on Geek On!
Mad World (feat. Michael Andrews)
Gary Jules - Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets
Woodkid - The Golden Age
What Makes A Good Man?
The Heavy - n/a
Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around