Welcome To My World
Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 with Shelley Ann Morris 1/3 of Team Tuesday
A Funding Drive Show like no other!
Today's show is a little different. Here you will find me and my two 'neighbours' Jeff Larocque and Martha Walsh teaming up for a collaborative effort. We know that for many, it's going to be very difficult to donate this year. EVERY DONATION COUNTS. If you are unable to donate, please pass the word along to others who can. Also, if you could use a laugh (and who couldn't these days) join us on Friday November 6 at NOON Eastern Time for Laughter Yoga. Help in our funding drive efforts--$9.31 is a suggested donation. The aim is to get 100 people all participating. We need some positivity as well as your donation. Again, if you can't participate, please help by spreading the word. Thank you so much!!!!
Laughter Yoga Friday November 6th at Noon Eastern
#SupportCKCU #Journeyto50 #CommunityRadio #ClickNContribute
Reserve your Laughter Yoga Spot HERE. The Registration Link is now LIVE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ckcufm-laughter-yoga-tickets-126949727051
Limited Capacity - 100 spaces
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Listening to Team Up Tuesday! Thanks for inviting me to be a part of it!
8:16 AM, November 3rd, 2020