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Welcome To My World
Tuesday September 1st, 2020 with Shelley Ann Morris
Interviews with Dave Carragher (Blind Man Cooking) and Kevin Harvey (Durham County Poets)

Shelley Ann Morris talks with Dave Carragher and Kevin Harvey. A former member of the national blind triathlon team, Dave has created 'Blind Man Cooking' workshops and products. Kevin composes, performs and records songs with Durham County Poets. He talks about their Juno nomination, recording activities and... pot lids!
Interview with Dave Carragher. Based in PEI, Dave is a former member of the national blind triathlon team and is the creator of 'Blind Man Cooking' workshops and products. His email address is blindmancooking
Sittin' in the Kitchen
Bob Snider - Caterwaul & Doggerel Canadian
If the Lid Don’t Fit
Durham County Poets - Hand Me Down Blues Canadian
Interview with Kevin Harvey (Durham County Poets), website
Help Me To Change
Durham County Poets - Hand Me Down Blues Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris
Thank you so much Chris, Dave and Kevin for joining me on WTMW today. Thanks to Zoom and Chris White's wonderful editing skills, we were back on the air!!!

9:23 AM, September 1st, 2020
So great to be able to listen to the show! Great interview and music!

9:48 AM, September 2nd, 2020
Charming Anarchist
Stay strong!!

7:52 AM, September 4th, 2020