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Welcome To My World
Tuesday June 4th, 2019 with Kim Kilpatrick, Shelley Ann Morris and Daniel Bourret

Kim, Daniel and Shelley welcome Shannon Merizzi, organizer of a Brain Tumour Walk taking place in Ottawa on Sunday June 9. Shannon will tell us about how she became involved, and provide details on how you may get involved. Brain Tumour Walk Register today to join one of 22 Brain Tumour Walk events taking place across Canada in May and June.
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Interactive CKCU
You just repeated yesterdays BBC broadcast.

9:06 AM, June 4th, 2019
Interesting question about communal dog water bowls. The risk is minimal but it is possible that viruses, bacteria and parasites can spread this way. If your dog has a strong immune system it is unlikely that he/she will be infected. A clean water bowl with clean water is always the safest but sometimes these communal water bowls are handy in hot weather!

9:32 AM, June 4th, 2019
Mike Mercer
Yes clean weather is always clean & yes communal water bowls are handy in hot water

9:50 AM, June 4th, 2019