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Welcome To My World
Tuesday March 5th, 2019 with Kim Kilpatrick and Ray Barfitt
Waiting for the Train...….

Shelley has completely lost her voice, therefore, Kim will be joined by Ray (by phone) who will present a selection of train songs in response to yet ANOTHER delay, ANOTHER missed LRT Deadline. Stay tuned and enjoy the ride!
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Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris (host)
Hello All, I hope to be back next week!

7:54 AM, March 5th, 2019
Miss hearing Shelley's voice but it's great to hear Kim and Ray and all of the music!

9:26 AM, March 5th, 2019
Mike Mercer
Colleen same here I too miss Shelley's voice so get well soon Shelley!:) Kim & Ray Hi to both of you!:)

9:38 AM, March 5th, 2019