Filling in for Neal with some warm hearted music.
Kothbiro Black Savage - Black Savage - Afro7 (1976/2018) |
Abusey Junction KOKOROKO - We Out Here - Brownswood Recordings |
Going in Circles Wayne Mcghie - Wayne Mcghie and the Sounds of Joy - Light in the Attic Records (1970/2014) |
Nothing left to Do After All - After All - Athena Records (1969) |
Wishin Well David Lynch - The Big Deam - Sacred Bones Records (2013) |
New Years Prayer Jeff Buckley - Sketches from my Sweetheart the Drunk - Sony Records |
Constellations Shine Silver Jackson with Melody Mckiver - Starry Skies Opened Eyes - Homeskillet records |
The Man in the Dark Sedan Snakefinger - Greener Postures - Ralph records (1980) |
The Storm Willie Dunn - Vanity of Human Wishes - Trikont (1984) |
Treat me Right Norma Tanega - Walking my Cat Named Dog - New Voice records (1966) |
Tetes En Fleur de Lys Estelle Ste-Croix - Tetes En Fleur de Lys - Constantineau-Lerouzes (1977) |
A Christmas Song Jethro Tull - Rock Island - Chrysalis (1989) |
Space Captain Joe Cocker - Mad Dogs and Englishmen - A&M Records (1970) |