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The nu Planet Rave Show
Sunday September 27th, 2015 with no one

Announcing my retirement from nuplanetrave. Music will be played but no longer hosted and or live mixed, my sets and hosting will now be officially with the docking station on the last Saturday of the month from 12am to 2am. I would like to thank all my listeners and fans that have supported myself and the show over the last few years. Rave music 4 life . Kuba maye
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Interactive CKCU
Professor Mike
Sorry to see you move but best of luck

2:43 AM, September 27th, 2015
Pk too late
That's really sad to hear. But wicked I get to hear this amazing techno mixed by kuba may end of the month on docking station. Thanks a mil

3:10 PM, September 29th, 2015
Justin Lajeuness
Just heard the news, so now i can listen to your set on a better time slot.. good news. Hearing techno once a month.. bad news.

10:17 PM, October 2nd, 2015