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Alpha Beats
Monday March 12th, 2012 with Allan B. Wigney
D d d d

The letter D! From Dief to Drake, Nick.
K-Tel - Let's Disco!
De La Soul - 12"
Dibango, Manu - Super Kumba
Don't Bug Me
Dyke & the Blazers - The Funky Broadway
The Feeling is Right
Duke, Doris - I'm a Loser
Cole Slaw
Donaldson, Lou - Cole Slaw
C'est bon c'est bon
Deslauriers, Nono - Nono a GoGo Canadian
Lay Lady Lay
Denjean, Claude - Moog! Canadian
Forever and the Same
Dunham Flats Band - Polar Bear Express Canadian
Which Will
Drake, Nick - Pink Moon
Figure 8
Dearie, Blossom - Schoolhouse Rock
Who Are We
Dixie Hummingbirds - Who Are We
I am a Canadian
Diefenbaker, John G. - I am a Canadian Canadian
Just Another Step
Dixon, Fred - & the Friday Afternoon Canadian
No One Else
Daigle, Ted - Tennessee Canadian
Fifi, de la Gaspesie
Doucette, Gerry - Never Ending Song of Love Canadian
Strawberries are Growing in My Garden
Dentists - 45
Get Outta My Face
Dead City Rebels - Rock 'n' Roll Enemy #1 Canadian
Beam Me Up
Demolition - The Explosive Sounds of Canadian