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Night Watch
Sunday May 31st, 2015 with Dāv Fot
Főllekzoid! Ziguri! Horn! Soft Machine 3!

Back in the driver's seat, starting out with some new trancin' space-material, and finishing with some classic jazz-rock!
Starting out with a 'two-fer' feature on some new material, the first two tracks from the latest LP (their third) from Chilean band, Follekzoid, the second two from a new LP from a band made up of kraut-rock veterans, including seminal guitarist Gunter Schickert!
Főllekzoid - III New
Főllekzoid - III New
Kőlsch-Schickert-Erdenreich - Ziguri New
GOA Constrictor
Kőlsch-Schickert-Erdenreic - Ziguri New
Now into a 'general' set, a mishmash of new (ish) and old (ish)... still in the jam-and-trance vein.
Birdman Awakening
Exploding Meet - Circuis of Disharmony Canadian
The Sun Song
Embryo - Father, Son and Holy Ghost
The Confessions of Dr. Dream
Kevin Ayers - The Confessions of Dr. Dream
Now, a few tracks from an unheralded Toronto band, Horn. As far as I know, they only released one LP, 'On the People's Side', and have a sound similar to... well, maybe a bit of Zappa, a bit of Gentle Giant and a smidge of soul. Complex, creative, worth looking up! The only band member I have managed to trace is drummer Bill Bryan, who played with Toronto new wave/punk band The Government' in the early 80's.
Horn - On the People's Side Canadian
Pony Buns
Horn - On the People's Side Canadian
Working Together
Horn - On the People's Side Canadian
We finish up the nightwatch with a rather large set... a full double-album feature of perhaps My favourite Soft Machine release, 'Three'. Each side-long track composed by each of the main Members ('Facelift' by Hugh Hopper, 'Slightly All the Time' by Mike Ratlidge, 'Moon in June' by Robert Wyatt and Out-Bloody-Rageous by
Soft Machine - 3
Slightly All the Time
Soft Machine - 3
Moon in June
Soft Machine - 3
Soft Machine - 3
Interactive CKCU
Kevin O'Meara
Fantastic, always love hearing Soft Machine on the station!

1:01 AM, June 1st, 2015