The Passionate Friar
Wednesday November 15th, 2017 with DesTrois
some new releases, some maybe not, and a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne (not)
Auto Rank Usse - 231 - EXF |
Saison de la grise Catherine Leduc - Un bras de distance avec le soleil - Grosse Boite |
Il Pleut Maude Audet - Comme une odeur de déclin - Grosse Boite |
• Sat. Feb 17th - Catherine Leduc, Maude Audet @ NAC Fourth Stage |
La Lucha Es Una Sola Esmerine - Mechanics Of Dominion - Constellation |
Yurtsuz Minor Empire - Uprooted - World Trip |
Wind Waves Andy Haas - Taballah II - Resonant Music |
Acid John The Jerry Gross Organization - Processed Hearts - Giallo |
Check My Profile Odonis Odonis - No Pop - Telephone Explosion |
Time In Reverse Caracoa - End Of Kings - Inam |
bonjourneaux! ears to the radio speaker yas?
10:19 AM, November 15th, 2017