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The Passionate Friar
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 with Phelonius Zombie (Zombie Friar?)
A mix of cheezy and cheeky soundtrack music

Original Bedroom Rockers
Kruder & Dorfmeister - Hackers OST
Underworld - Hackers OST
16 Horses
Soul Coughing - The X-Files: The Album (OST)
Voodoo People
Prodigy - Hackers OST
Crystal Ship
X - The X-Files: The Album (OST)
Phoebus Apollo
Carl Cox - Hackers OST
Halcyon & On & On
Orbital - Hackers OST
The X-Files Theme
The Dust Brothers - The X-Files: The Album (OST)
Stereo MCs - Hackers OST
Good Grief
Urban Dance Squad - Hackers OST
Flower Man
Tonic - The X-Files: The Album (OST)
Interactive CKCU
Take care of yourself!!! I'm only here for a few minutes, I have a doctor appointment to head out to...So hello and goodbye to everyone!

10:02 AM, April 8th, 2015
Yeah, Hackers! Did you know it had two not to the move, but to the soundtrack?!?!

10:03 AM, April 8th, 2015
Phelonius Friar (host)
I knew there was one other, I didn't know there was two. I have seen it on a few movies where they release a pop soundtrack and an orchestral soundtrack (e.g. Heavy Metal).

10:07 AM, April 8th, 2015
Yup, two more CDs of music like the first...but I am sure that a fair portion of the second and third CDs were not used on-screen.

10:10 AM, April 8th, 2015
I'm here! Better late than never. I had to euthanize one of my fish this morning. *Sigh*

10:19 AM, April 8th, 2015
Phelonius Friar (host)
Sorry to hear that Laksmi, that's a shitty start to a day :(

10:24 AM, April 8th, 2015
Yeah, he's been really ill for the past week with no signs of recovery despite medicine, so I figured it was "time". *sigh*

10:26 AM, April 8th, 2015
Red Sonya
Zombie Friar! Just heard your voice! ZOMG!!! I am fighting the plague pretty hard here right now! I have you live and loud in my retail environment you are coming in clear! woot!!!

10:26 AM, April 8th, 2015
Phelonius Friar (host)
Sigh... yeah, it was the right thing to do :(

10:29 AM, April 8th, 2015
Phelonius Friar (host)
Loud and clear Red Sonya? I hope my voice doesn't scare any customers away ;)

10:30 AM, April 8th, 2015
Red Sonya
We have discussed your 'voice' and scaring them isn't what I said ;)

10:34 AM, April 8th, 2015
The music is delightfully relaxing this morning. Thank you Friar!

10:38 AM, April 8th, 2015
Phelonius Friar (host)
You are welcome... hmmm... guess I'll stay with moody for my next track as well...

10:41 AM, April 8th, 2015
Red Sonya
I am finding it very energetic! :) XFiles woot! :) Loving the tunage! Hey Laksmi! Sorry to hear your sad fish tale :(

10:46 AM, April 8th, 2015
Hey Friar, did I ever tell you that when I was working at the Mélange Magique in Montreal, we had a cockatail for about 2 years and I tought him the theme tune to both X-Files and Close Encounters. Hahaha!

10:46 AM, April 8th, 2015
Red Sonya
Wow! That is very cool Laskmi did you get any video of it?!

10:50 AM, April 8th, 2015
Phelonius Friar (host)
Most excellent, Laksmi!!!

10:51 AM, April 8th, 2015
Red: Oh no... this was back in the early to mid 1990's. Video was not as common back then as it is now. Friar: Say "Hi!" to Spokane for me! WorldCon will be there this summer but alas, I will not be attending this year.

10:54 AM, April 8th, 2015
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