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Music From The Glen
Sunday September 1st, 2024 with Gord Peeling
Labouring songs for a Labour Day weekend

Four Loom Weaver
Ian King - Panic Grass & Fever Few
The Humpback Whale
Nic Jones - Penguin Eggs
The Midlothian Miner's Song
The Easy Club - Scottish Rhythm and Swing
The Shipyard Apprentice
Malinky - Flower & Iron
Reel du forgeron
La Bottine Souriante - Rock and Reel Canadian
No More Fish, No Fisherman
Finest Kind - Heart's Delight Canadian
Hopping Down in Kent
The Albion Dance Band - The BBC Sessions
The Chemical Workers Song
The Young'uns - When Our Grandfathers Said No
Once More A-lumberin' Go
Christopher Shaw - Adirondack
I'll Go List For a Sailor
Jim Moray - Low Culture
Rig Worker's Alphabet
Jim Payne - Wave Over Wave Canadian
The Grand Falls Tragedy
Pamela Morgan - Work Work Work Canadian
Old Black Spruce
Kevin Blackmore - Work Work Work Canadian
Heave Away Me Nurses
Labour Notes - Work Work Work Canadian
The Trappers' Song
The Flummies - Work Work Work Canadian
The Woman Who Planted Trees
Emily Barker - A Dark Murmuration of Words
How We Got Up To The Woods
Muddy York - Scatter the Ashes Canadian
I Hate the Capitalist System
Mat Callahan & Yvonne Moore - Working Class Heroes
Snap the Line Tight
James Keelaghan - Timelines Canadian
River and the Road
Rachel Davis & Darren McMullen - Home Canadian
Long House
Rachel Davis & Darren McMullen - Home Canadian
The Boys of the Bunkhouse
Dorman Ralph - Dorman Ralph 1923-1999 Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Gord Peeling (host)
Happy Labour Day Weekend to all listeners out in the ether or on the internet!

11:52 AM, September 1st, 2024
Neil and his Dancing Labrador
Morning, Gord. Hope you are having a great long weekend. Wonderful show. Perfect theme, as well. Hope that Hillbilly is tuned in for the show; he would enjoy this immensely !!!

11:58 AM, September 1st, 2024
Neil & DL
Finest Kind were terrific !!! Ah.........they're all just tickling me ears just fine, laddie !!

12:01 PM, September 1st, 2024
Gord Peeling (host)
Glad you are enjoying the music Neil and the Dancing Labrador

12:11 PM, September 1st, 2024
Gord Peeling (host)
Rachel Davis and Darren McMullen are performing at Red Bird Live on September 6th at 8 pm and if you are up Pembroke way, they are performing on the 4th.

12:23 PM, September 1st, 2024
Gord Peeling (host)
Emilyn Stam & John Williams are performing at a House Concert on Sunday 6th October. Check out the Old Sod Concerts for more information.

12:26 PM, September 1st, 2024
Gord Peeling (host)
ERROR - the Davis/McMullen house concert is not in Pembroke but in Petawawa on the 4th.

12:28 PM, September 1st, 2024
Gord Peeling (host)
Neil - haven't heard from Hillbilly in a while, hope all is well.

12:36 PM, September 1st, 2024
Drake and Dad
He was popping up all week Gord no worries

12:59 PM, September 1st, 2024
Neil & DL
He made an appearance out at a local show too playing bongos haha

12:59 PM, September 1st, 2024
Drake and Dad, Neil glad to hear he was out and about

4:19 PM, September 1st, 2024