The week before easter Jim Moray - Sweet England - NIAG |
The holly bears a berry The Watersons - Frost and fire - Topic |
The leaves of life The devil's interval - Blood and honey - Wild Goose |
Awake Awake Waterson:Carthy - Holy heathens and the old green man - Topic |
The lord of the dance John Allan Cameron - Yes! Let's hear it for John Allan Cameron - REL |
Pace Egging / Ribatz Chris Wood - Albion - Navigator |
Sweet Thames flow softly Jon Boden / Sam Sweeney - This is proper folk too [va] - Proper |
Winter singing The imagined village - Bending the dark - ECC |
Lillibulero Bellowhead - Broadside - Navigator |
Hard times Kathryn Tickell - Northumbrian voices - Park |
Small coals Kathryn Tickell - Northumbrian voices - Park |
Bones and feathers Emily Portman - The glamoury - Self |
Courting is a pleasure Jim Moray - Skulk - NIAG |
The white hind Kathryn Roberts / Sean Lakeman - Hidden people - Navigator |
Reel du séminariste et de l'Apothicaire Hurlevent - Hurlevent - Self |
Tout le long du voyage Genticorum - Nagez rameurs - Roues et Archets |
Toujours amants Le vent du nord - Tromper le temps - Borealis |