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Over My Head
Sunday April 29th, 2018 with David Leibold
From Tables of Stone to Army of Bones... From One Bad Pig to Mike Janzen Trio to Children 18:3... and more

The River
Tables of Stone - Engraved - indie Canadian
I Have Decided
Mike Janzen Trio - Beginnings Live - Signpost Canadian
Parallel Universe
Jan Krist - See Stone - Silent Planet
Slay the Hunter
David Martel - You've Heard the Best! Now try the Rest... - indie Canadian
I Want to Be Ready
The Commissionaires - Shelter Me - indie Canadian
Trouble in My Way
The Relatives - The Electric Word - Yep Roc
Jonah and the Whale
Mike Farris - Shine for All the People - Compass
Anchored Roots
Chelsea Amber (Nisbett) - Anchored Roots - indie Canadian
Where Were You Hiding When the Storm Broke
The Alarm - Standards - IRS
The River
Army of Bones - Army of Bones - indie
Hey Driftwood (Tides)
Children 18:3 - Rain's a Comin' - Tooth and Nail
Self-Effacing Deity
Bumblepuppy - An Evening at the Feelies - Bulletproof Canadian
Wovenhand - Refractory Obdurate - Deathwish
Never Forget the Cross
One Bad Pig - I Scream Sunday - Myrrh
Interactive CKCU