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Friday Special Blend
Friday March 4th, 2011 with Susan Johnston
VERSeFest special edition

The Antidote
Mr. Something Something - Shine Your Face
Psychology Showers
Glenn Nuotio - N/A Canadian
Catch Glenn live tomorrow night as he participates in Playback, part of the A B Series' pre-VERSeFest Extravaganza at Gallery 101.
Gypsophilia - Minor Hope Canadian
Kyrie Kristmanson - N/A Canadian
Kyrie Kristmanson will be at the NAC Fourth Stage tonight.
Dan Mangan - Roboteering Canadian
Poems by Ben Ladoceur - N/A Canadian
Ben will be reading live at VERSeFest on Tuesday night, 9pm, ArtsCourt Theatre. Further information is available online at
The Indie Queens are Waiting
Dan Mangan - Roboteering Canadian
Django Libre - N/A Canadian
Playing live tonight at the Avant Garde Bar
Monkey Wear Shoe
Beautiful Nubia and the Roots Renaissance Band - Sun No Dey Sleep Canadian
Interview with Ian Keteku - N/A Canadian
Ian will be appearing at VERSeFest Tuesday March 8 7pm Arts Court Theatre
The Thief
Sarah Harmer - Oh Little Fire Canadian
Made for Rain
Good Lovelies - Let the Rain Fall Canadian
Good Lovelies - Let the Rain Fall Canadian
Interview/Performance A B Series - N/A Canadian
Poets Carmel Purkis, Sandra Ridley, Steven Ross Smith, Sean Moreland, Glenn Nuoto, and Grant Wilkins respond to Michele Provost's Playlist. Catch them tomorrow night at a special A B Series pre-VERSeFest Extravaganza at Gallery 101 tomorrow night. The evening will feature readings from Sandra Ridley and Steven Ross Smith.