This show is dedicated to the memory of Rob Stewart, host of "British Airwaves", one of CKCU's earliest and best programs which he presented into 1983 before departing Ottawa, leaving a lasting legacy for aficionados of eclectic music from the UK, and providing me with an opportunity to step into his shoes to carry the program on for a few more years. Tonight's program is entirely music from the UK...
Sort Of (excerpt, musical bed) SLAPP HAPPY - Sort Of - 1972, Polydor |
Reconnez Cherie WRECKLESS ERIC - Wreckless Eric - 1978, Stiff |
Tonight the SOFT BOYS - Underwater Moonlight - 1980, Armageddon |
Tubthumper CHUMBAWAMBA - 7-inch A-side - 1997, EMI |
Evidently Chickentown JOHN COOPER-CLARKE - Snap, Crackle (&) Bop - 1980, Epic |
Fear of Anarchy SLEAFORD MODS - Chubbed Up + - 2014, Ipecac |
I'm Frank the FALL - Extricate - 1990, Fontana |
Big Trev SARANDON - Sarandon's Age of Reason - 2010, Slumberland |
Shut it Down KHARTOMB - Shut it Down ep - 2013, UK Independent |
40 Versions WIRE - 154 - 1979, Harvest |
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Sort Of (excerpt, musical bed) SLAPP HAPPY - Sort Of - 1972, Polydor |
Split Your Ends WIRE - Wire - 2015, Cargo |
Sand Dance TEMPLES - Sun Restructured (Beyond the Wizard's Sleeve remix) - 2014, Fat Possum |
the Difference (instrumental) SHOCKHEADED PETERS - Fear Engine - 1987, Red Rhino |
Cat House DANIELLE DAX - Dark Adapted Eye - 1988, Sire |
Wholeness Sounds ROSE KEMP - Unholy Majesty - 2008, One Little Indian |
Ode (Summer is Leaving Me Behind) SYD ARTHUR - (Amorphous Androgynous remix) - 2014, UK Independent |
Knife Edge EMERSON, LAKE and PALMER - Emerson, Lake and Palmer - 1971, Cotillion |
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Sort Of (excerpt, musical bed) SLAPP HAPPY - Sort Of - 1972, Polydor |
Gout! Gang! Go! PALMA VIOLETS - Danger in the Club - 2015, Rough Trade |
Radios in Motion XTC - White Music - 1978, Virgin |
Breakdown POP WILL EAT ITSELF - Poppiecock - 1986, Chapter 22 |
I'm a Believer (Monkees cover) ROBERT WYATT - ep - 1974, Virgin |
Drinking About My Baby the DAMNED - the Black Album - 1980, Chiswick |
I Can't Take It BADFINGER - No Dice - 1970, Apple |
Gonna Meet My Maker ARGENT - Nexus - 1974, CBS |
March of the Eligible Bachelors (instrumental) the MONOCHROME SET - Eligible Bachelors - 1982, Cherry Red |
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Sort Of (excerpt, musical bed) SLAPP HAPPY - Sort Of - 1972, Polydor |
Where to Now? 2.3 - V.A.: Fast Product - Mutant Pop 78/79 - 1980, Fast, originally released in 1978 |
Strange Locomotion SIREN - Strange Locomotion - 1971, Dandelion |
the Vandal and the Saint DAVID J - Crocodile Tears and the Velvet Cosh - 1985, Glass |
Country Mile CAMERA OBSCURA - Let's Get Out of This Country - 2006, Merge |
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Tainted Dub/Where Did Our Love Go (supremes cover) SOFT CELL - 12-inch B-side - 1981, Some Bizarre |