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Back 40
Saturday December 19th, 2020 with Ron Moores
A fresh approach to the Back 40 ‘s annual Christmas show, featuring special guest, Shelley Posen from “Finest Kind” and others, including some wonderful stories too”.

The Chapeau Boys
Bob King - You Tube Canadian
The Christmas Canoe
Finest Kind - I Am Christmas Canadian
Finest Kind - I Am Christmas Canadian
The Christmas Trilogy
Finest Kind - For Honour and for Gain Canadian
Do You Feel What I Feel
Dave Gunning - Christmas Canadian
On Chanukah
Shelley Posen - Shelley Posen Canadian
You Can Wish Me A Merry Christmas
Finest Kind - The Christmas Pudding Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Chris White
Nice show, Ron and Shelley! We're singing along...

12:49 PM, December 19th, 2020
Ron Moores (host)
Hey Chris, what a coincidence, with this a more "folk" show and yours a more bluegrass show - here's to "Good Radio" - gotta get some more of that!"

12:58 PM, December 19th, 2020
Lisa P
What a wonderful show! Thanks so much. Ron. IT stopped us in our tracks. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

12:59 PM, December 19th, 2020
Ron Moores (host)
Go 'head and make my day/Christmas - really glad you two enjoyed this; my fave B-40 Christmas show to date, thanks to Shelley Posen!

1:48 PM, December 19th, 2020