Canadian Spaces
Saturday March 16th, 2013 with Chris White, Lynn Miles, Ian Tamblyn
Memories of Chopper
Independence Day Ferron - Independence Day ![]() |
Wood River Connie Kaldor - Wood River ![]() |
25th Hour of the Day Ian Tamblyn - live in the studio ![]() |
Jimmy's Room Melwood Cutlery - Campfire ![]() |
Ride On Doug McArthur - live in the studio ![]() |
Music In Your Eyes Willie P Bennett - Collectables ![]() |
Jeremy Woodstock Arianna Gillis - live in the studio ![]() |
If I Were A Raven Roy Forbes - live over the phone ![]() |
The Unicorn Song Arthur McGregor - live in the studio ![]() |
Brave Parade Lynn Miles - live in the studio ![]() |
Old Dog Chris Coole - Old Dog ![]() |
The Parting Glass The Wailin' Jennys - 40 Days ![]() |
Interactive CKCU
Judy & Ross
Let's feel this spontaneous combustion with our memories of Chopper!
10:05 AM, March 16th, 2013
Let's feel this spontaneous combustion with our memories of Chopper!
10:05 AM, March 16th, 2013
Laura Smith
Tuning in from rural NS as long as the signal lasts... Feelling big love and hurt for all of us whom Chopper bestowed his kindness and wonder upon. xox
10:07 AM, March 16th, 2013
Tuning in from rural NS as long as the signal lasts... Feelling big love and hurt for all of us whom Chopper bestowed his kindness and wonder upon. xox
10:07 AM, March 16th, 2013
Roland Kushner, Bethlehem, PA
Barbara and I are so sad to hear this news. When I left Ottawa in 1980 and gave up the "Arkansas Traveler" time slot, I was happy to know that Chopper would be my successor - and I'm thrilled that my departure created the opportunity for the many contributions he made to CKCU and to folk music in Canada as a broadcaster. We will miss his devotion, his humor, his character. Lots of love to all his listeners and best wishes for the continuation of Chopper's wonderful legacy as a broadcaster and advocate.
10:09 AM, March 16th, 2013
Barbara and I are so sad to hear this news. When I left Ottawa in 1980 and gave up the "Arkansas Traveler" time slot, I was happy to know that Chopper would be my successor - and I'm thrilled that my departure created the opportunity for the many contributions he made to CKCU and to folk music in Canada as a broadcaster. We will miss his devotion, his humor, his character. Lots of love to all his listeners and best wishes for the continuation of Chopper's wonderful legacy as a broadcaster and advocate.
10:09 AM, March 16th, 2013
Julie element
I am so glad I got the chance to work with Chopper at CKCU he was a grumpy old sod at times but I was never so proud as when he trusted me to do the show with Judy Jibb while he was at Cam-fest 2 yrs ago, and he told me I'd done a good job
10:09 AM, March 16th, 2013
I am so glad I got the chance to work with Chopper at CKCU he was a grumpy old sod at times but I was never so proud as when he trusted me to do the show with Judy Jibb while he was at Cam-fest 2 yrs ago, and he told me I'd done a good job
10:09 AM, March 16th, 2013
deb byrnes
I'm with all space cadets right now. so sad. what a beautiful man.
10:09 AM, March 16th, 2013
I'm with all space cadets right now. so sad. what a beautiful man.
10:09 AM, March 16th, 2013
Patrick Nagle, Iqaluit
Joining you from up in the arctic this morning. A sunny, crisp, beautiful day. Missing Chopper greatly. So glad you folks are there doing this. Wish we could be there with you.
10:10 AM, March 16th, 2013
Joining you from up in the arctic this morning. A sunny, crisp, beautiful day. Missing Chopper greatly. So glad you folks are there doing this. Wish we could be there with you.
10:10 AM, March 16th, 2013
Donna DeBaeremaeker
Thank you for bringing the music to us, Chopper. I will miss spending Saturday mornings with you.
10:12 AM, March 16th, 2013
Thank you for bringing the music to us, Chopper. I will miss spending Saturday mornings with you.
10:12 AM, March 16th, 2013
Rick, Bruce, Dan, Conrad (Lost Colt)
We had the distinct privilege of appearing on Canadian Spaces with Chopper in November 2010. We were a new band, it was our first-ever radio appearance, and we were in awe. His passionate support of independent Canadian music over so many years was a great service, and we join with - gosh, hundreds? thousands? - of artists locally and nationwide in sending our thanks.
10:13 AM, March 16th, 2013
We had the distinct privilege of appearing on Canadian Spaces with Chopper in November 2010. We were a new band, it was our first-ever radio appearance, and we were in awe. His passionate support of independent Canadian music over so many years was a great service, and we join with - gosh, hundreds? thousands? - of artists locally and nationwide in sending our thanks.
10:13 AM, March 16th, 2013
Jim Mountain (former Lethbridge Folk Club, Almonte Old Town Hall concerts etc..
thank you so much for gathering everyone there..a poignant and moving week..I lost my mom this week,earlier and so looked forward to coming back to the Ottawa Valley and getting a hot brown drink in hand and moving into the weekend with Canadian Spaces as we have since 1989, moving here from Alberta and the great folk scene out west. It was so fulfilling to have the privilege of Chopper's insights and this show and all the great singer-songwriters and ensembles that could squeeze into the CKCU space. So today's music and all you have assembled there is so much appreciated.
10:14 AM, March 16th, 2013
thank you so much for gathering everyone there..a poignant and moving week..I lost my mom this week,earlier and so looked forward to coming back to the Ottawa Valley and getting a hot brown drink in hand and moving into the weekend with Canadian Spaces as we have since 1989, moving here from Alberta and the great folk scene out west. It was so fulfilling to have the privilege of Chopper's insights and this show and all the great singer-songwriters and ensembles that could squeeze into the CKCU space. So today's music and all you have assembled there is so much appreciated.
10:14 AM, March 16th, 2013
Peter Speak in central Florida at the moment
As guitars ring and voices sing it will always be easy to remember Chopper.I moved to Ottawa from Montreal, and while working Saturday mornings with my Walkman on, heard the most wonderful music and musicians that became a part of my life forever.Rest in the embrace of the music you helped us all love Chopper.
10:36 AM, March 16th, 2013
As guitars ring and voices sing it will always be easy to remember Chopper.I moved to Ottawa from Montreal, and while working Saturday mornings with my Walkman on, heard the most wonderful music and musicians that became a part of my life forever.Rest in the embrace of the music you helped us all love Chopper.
10:36 AM, March 16th, 2013
Kate Schutta
We are all so honored to have had our lives, hearts and souls touched by the grace and love of Chopper...thank you, Big Guy, for all of the memories...so much music will always remind me of him, but Joni's orchestral version of 'Both Sides Now', or Bill Morrissey's 'Birches' hold special places...so missed and so loved always...
10:37 AM, March 16th, 2013
We are all so honored to have had our lives, hearts and souls touched by the grace and love of Chopper...thank you, Big Guy, for all of the memories...so much music will always remind me of him, but Joni's orchestral version of 'Both Sides Now', or Bill Morrissey's 'Birches' hold special places...so missed and so loved always...
10:37 AM, March 16th, 2013
alan weekes
I first met Chopper in Toronto as well. He was a huge presence. In the 1990s Chopper worked for me as Office Administrator. Chopper arranged for his own business cards which quite correctly labeled him Chief of Navel Intelligence.
10:37 AM, March 16th, 2013
I first met Chopper in Toronto as well. He was a huge presence. In the 1990s Chopper worked for me as Office Administrator. Chopper arranged for his own business cards which quite correctly labeled him Chief of Navel Intelligence.
10:37 AM, March 16th, 2013
Tony & Laurie-Ann Copple
Chopper was a radio giant. He could have chosen any station but he stayed with CKCU, a one man national advocate for folk music. His choices never sound dated. A very proud moment for us was hosting Canadian Spaces on Christmas Day 2010. What an honour!
10:37 AM, March 16th, 2013
Chopper was a radio giant. He could have chosen any station but he stayed with CKCU, a one man national advocate for folk music. His choices never sound dated. A very proud moment for us was hosting Canadian Spaces on Christmas Day 2010. What an honour!
10:37 AM, March 16th, 2013
Bill Cameron
I just got the broadcast streaming on my new iPad and went upstairs to see if Molly wanted to listen with me, and she's already got it on her laptop....so here we are with digital stereo, pretty interesting effect. Choppers been keeping the music going in good times and bad times for so long it's hard to imagine what happens now, except that we all know...remember, celebrate, laugh, cry a bit and keep on going. Great stories folks, keep me coming...now I know why that picture in I's was captioned "Our Founder", thanks Ian!
10:44 AM, March 16th, 2013
I just got the broadcast streaming on my new iPad and went upstairs to see if Molly wanted to listen with me, and she's already got it on her laptop....so here we are with digital stereo, pretty interesting effect. Choppers been keeping the music going in good times and bad times for so long it's hard to imagine what happens now, except that we all know...remember, celebrate, laugh, cry a bit and keep on going. Great stories folks, keep me coming...now I know why that picture in I's was captioned "Our Founder", thanks Ian!
10:44 AM, March 16th, 2013
Shelley Ann Morris
The Space Cadets are tuned in, many with hot brown drinks in hand to pay tribute, shed a few tears, have some laughs and say a huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to Chopper McKinnon. Thank you Chopper for introducing me to lots of beautiful music that I've come to know and love. The phrases "plug the gig," "Pitter Patter let's get at 'er." "mighty 93" and "Thanks! McCrakns" are part of our vocabulary. Chopper's legacy will live on each time we hear a Canadian folk music.
10:47 AM, March 16th, 2013
The Space Cadets are tuned in, many with hot brown drinks in hand to pay tribute, shed a few tears, have some laughs and say a huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to Chopper McKinnon. Thank you Chopper for introducing me to lots of beautiful music that I've come to know and love. The phrases "plug the gig," "Pitter Patter let's get at 'er." "mighty 93" and "Thanks! McCrakns" are part of our vocabulary. Chopper's legacy will live on each time we hear a Canadian folk music.
10:47 AM, March 16th, 2013
Elorious Cain
Chopper was such a kind and generous soul who touched my life in so many ways over the years I had the tremendous honour to know him. Granted, we were never close. Yet as a fellow host and station manager, he was so very supportive of me in my difficult years. Thank you Chopper. All the very best!
10:47 AM, March 16th, 2013
Chopper was such a kind and generous soul who touched my life in so many ways over the years I had the tremendous honour to know him. Granted, we were never close. Yet as a fellow host and station manager, he was so very supportive of me in my difficult years. Thank you Chopper. All the very best!
10:47 AM, March 16th, 2013
James Murray
Chopper introduced me to many great Canadian artists. Just a few weeks ago he introduced me to April Verch, an Ottawa Valley fiddler. I bought the album before the show had finished. He opened the door to great music which represents what it means to be from here. Thank you.
10:49 AM, March 16th, 2013
Chopper introduced me to many great Canadian artists. Just a few weeks ago he introduced me to April Verch, an Ottawa Valley fiddler. I bought the album before the show had finished. He opened the door to great music which represents what it means to be from here. Thank you.
10:49 AM, March 16th, 2013
Bruce Murdoch
It'll be difficult to get through this show without a roll of TP or a big box of Kleenex. Chopper was a wonderful supporter of Canadian writers, musicians and singers. We all owe him in a sense, but he never made any of us feel like we owed him. Love ya, Chopper. Thanks for your support over the years. Rest easy.
10:51 AM, March 16th, 2013
It'll be difficult to get through this show without a roll of TP or a big box of Kleenex. Chopper was a wonderful supporter of Canadian writers, musicians and singers. We all owe him in a sense, but he never made any of us feel like we owed him. Love ya, Chopper. Thanks for your support over the years. Rest easy.
10:51 AM, March 16th, 2013
Christine Fagan
I met Chopper many years ago at Irene's the eve Of my first interview with him, I told him I was nervous, and he said something like, you Know me, by the time I finish asking the question, you will have had time to prepare and relax. A bit do self-deprecating humour to calm me down. Very sad today - It will be difficult to imagine Saturday mornings without Chopper, who introduced me to SO MUCH music that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have known otherwise.
10:53 AM, March 16th, 2013
I met Chopper many years ago at Irene's the eve Of my first interview with him, I told him I was nervous, and he said something like, you Know me, by the time I finish asking the question, you will have had time to prepare and relax. A bit do self-deprecating humour to calm me down. Very sad today - It will be difficult to imagine Saturday mornings without Chopper, who introduced me to SO MUCH music that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have known otherwise.
10:53 AM, March 16th, 2013
Diane Dubois
I loved Chopper's show EVERY Saturday. I bought a lot of CD's after hearing the artists he showcased on his shows. I'll miss replying to his closing at the end of each show..."and I love you". So I always answered back (out loud) "I love you too Chopper".
10:57 AM, March 16th, 2013
I loved Chopper's show EVERY Saturday. I bought a lot of CD's after hearing the artists he showcased on his shows. I'll miss replying to his closing at the end of each show..."and I love you". So I always answered back (out loud) "I love you too Chopper".
10:57 AM, March 16th, 2013
Terry Tufts
I met Chopper when he was at the Toronto Folklore Centre but didn't have a relationship with him until I met him again at the Bronson location of the O.F.C. I had picked up a guitar off the rack and played an Allman Brothers tune, LITTLE MARTHA, and then put the guitar back up. He came over and berated me for not returning the guitar to standard tuning. I explained that I played the song IN standard tuning and then he proceeded to fall all over himself for what he thought was a slight. It flattered the hell out of me, really. He talked to me for about an hour and bugged me persistently to record every time I ran into him afterward. Relentless support. Down the road, eh Chop?
10:57 AM, March 16th, 2013
I met Chopper when he was at the Toronto Folklore Centre but didn't have a relationship with him until I met him again at the Bronson location of the O.F.C. I had picked up a guitar off the rack and played an Allman Brothers tune, LITTLE MARTHA, and then put the guitar back up. He came over and berated me for not returning the guitar to standard tuning. I explained that I played the song IN standard tuning and then he proceeded to fall all over himself for what he thought was a slight. It flattered the hell out of me, really. He talked to me for about an hour and bugged me persistently to record every time I ran into him afterward. Relentless support. Down the road, eh Chop?
10:57 AM, March 16th, 2013
Irene's Pub
Saturday at Irene's Pub will never be the same without one of our most passionate and loved customers. We miss you so much already and will always LOVE you Chopper. Thank you for being our friend.
10:58 AM, March 16th, 2013
Saturday at Irene's Pub will never be the same without one of our most passionate and loved customers. We miss you so much already and will always LOVE you Chopper. Thank you for being our friend.
10:58 AM, March 16th, 2013
Sue Johnson
I'll always be thankful to Chopper for his support and encouragement over the years. He was so invaluable to us local musicians, allowing us to share our songs and stories in such a welcoming environment. I'll miss his smile, his slow and deliberate storytelling, his wise cracks, and his big bear hugs. So long, Chopdaddy. Love, Suecity.
10:58 AM, March 16th, 2013
I'll always be thankful to Chopper for his support and encouragement over the years. He was so invaluable to us local musicians, allowing us to share our songs and stories in such a welcoming environment. I'll miss his smile, his slow and deliberate storytelling, his wise cracks, and his big bear hugs. So long, Chopdaddy. Love, Suecity.
10:58 AM, March 16th, 2013
Bruce Steele
Great to hear the voices of so many old friends talking about a man I had so much fun with on the festival trail, at that famed house in Toronto and on his show when I came to Ottawa... and damn it, now you're playing Willie and I am tearing up.
10:59 AM, March 16th, 2013
Great to hear the voices of so many old friends talking about a man I had so much fun with on the festival trail, at that famed house in Toronto and on his show when I came to Ottawa... and damn it, now you're playing Willie and I am tearing up.
10:59 AM, March 16th, 2013
Anne Bourne
I was welcomed by Chopper McKinnon into the Ottawa Folklore Centre one day when I was, young wandering around looking for where it was that people made music. It was the handle bar moustache era. The kindest eyes in the world and unending encouragement and strength.I hold his memory with love.
11:05 AM, March 16th, 2013
I was welcomed by Chopper McKinnon into the Ottawa Folklore Centre one day when I was, young wandering around looking for where it was that people made music. It was the handle bar moustache era. The kindest eyes in the world and unending encouragement and strength.I hold his memory with love.
11:05 AM, March 16th, 2013
Bob McKenna
Thanks for all the years and all the good music, Chopper. We grew old together the last 30+ years on Saturday mornings. We'll miss you!
11:18 AM, March 16th, 2013
Thanks for all the years and all the good music, Chopper. We grew old together the last 30+ years on Saturday mornings. We'll miss you!
11:18 AM, March 16th, 2013
Paul Mills
Wonderful to hear so many old friends paying tribute to another old friend and pillar of Canada's folk community. Thank you Chopper for your passion and commitment to the music we all love. You will be missed.
11:19 AM, March 16th, 2013
Wonderful to hear so many old friends paying tribute to another old friend and pillar of Canada's folk community. Thank you Chopper for your passion and commitment to the music we all love. You will be missed.
11:19 AM, March 16th, 2013
Rick Fines
Colleen Peterson introduced me to Chopper. Chopper and I never had a conversation that didn't involved "Sparky." I was fortunate enough to play "Music in Your Eyes" with Colleen and Jackson Delta on a number of occasions, each time she spoke of "Canada's Willie." Thanks for playing that. If you get the chance, please play Colleen singing "Souvenirs" - thanks for this fitting tribute to Chopper.
11:22 AM, March 16th, 2013
Colleen Peterson introduced me to Chopper. Chopper and I never had a conversation that didn't involved "Sparky." I was fortunate enough to play "Music in Your Eyes" with Colleen and Jackson Delta on a number of occasions, each time she spoke of "Canada's Willie." Thanks for playing that. If you get the chance, please play Colleen singing "Souvenirs" - thanks for this fitting tribute to Chopper.
11:22 AM, March 16th, 2013
June Kvamme
Chopper and the Ottawa Folk Festival are forever entwined in my heart and mind. Thank-you Copper for all that you have given us over the years. Ottawa and folk music will never be the same.
11:25 AM, March 16th, 2013
Chopper and the Ottawa Folk Festival are forever entwined in my heart and mind. Thank-you Copper for all that you have given us over the years. Ottawa and folk music will never be the same.
11:25 AM, March 16th, 2013
Bruce Enloe
I felt awkward being squeezed into a Canadian Spaces spot a couple of weeks back … it was a busy day but Chopper found five minutes to let me play a tune and ‘plug the gig’… Chris told me after the interview that we’d do it again at some point later when we had more time … Now I’m grateful beyond words for the five minutes I got. Chopper was my professor when I moved to the area, introducing this ‘Space Invader’ by way of Texas and California to the best in Canadian music. I moved here in 2005 to open an organic restaurant and live music venue in Kemptville, a job I am proud to still be holding … Dozens of musicians have gotten a gig at the Branch because I heard them on Chopper’s show. Thanks Chopper, it was an honour to meet you. Thanks Chris and the gang for the 40 minutes of uninterrupted love… So long Chopper...
11:28 AM, March 16th, 2013
I felt awkward being squeezed into a Canadian Spaces spot a couple of weeks back … it was a busy day but Chopper found five minutes to let me play a tune and ‘plug the gig’… Chris told me after the interview that we’d do it again at some point later when we had more time … Now I’m grateful beyond words for the five minutes I got. Chopper was my professor when I moved to the area, introducing this ‘Space Invader’ by way of Texas and California to the best in Canadian music. I moved here in 2005 to open an organic restaurant and live music venue in Kemptville, a job I am proud to still be holding … Dozens of musicians have gotten a gig at the Branch because I heard them on Chopper’s show. Thanks Chopper, it was an honour to meet you. Thanks Chris and the gang for the 40 minutes of uninterrupted love… So long Chopper...
11:28 AM, March 16th, 2013
Tonya Price
My huge thanks to Chopper for allowing me to co-host Canadian Spaces a couple of times over the last year. I learned a lot from Chopper and I feel privileged to have known him. Rest in Peace.
11:37 AM, March 16th, 2013
My huge thanks to Chopper for allowing me to co-host Canadian Spaces a couple of times over the last year. I learned a lot from Chopper and I feel privileged to have known him. Rest in Peace.
11:37 AM, March 16th, 2013
Richard Spearman
I first met Chopper in 1971 when he was co-host and maker of excellent coffee at a basement hootenanny that was held every Sunday night at the University of Ottawa. We stayed in touch over the years, meeting by coincidence at concerts, cafés, folk festivals, etc., and I rarely missed “Canadian Spaces” at 10:00 a.m. Saturdays on CKCU-FM, to hear “40 minutes of uninterrupted folk” followed by interviews and live music played in the studio. I knew that he had experienced heart trouble over the past few years, yet it was still a shock when it was announced earlier this week that he had passed on. He was a fine fellow indeed, and the debt that Canadian folk music owes to him is incalculable. Thanks for all the tunes, Chop!
11:43 AM, March 16th, 2013
I first met Chopper in 1971 when he was co-host and maker of excellent coffee at a basement hootenanny that was held every Sunday night at the University of Ottawa. We stayed in touch over the years, meeting by coincidence at concerts, cafés, folk festivals, etc., and I rarely missed “Canadian Spaces” at 10:00 a.m. Saturdays on CKCU-FM, to hear “40 minutes of uninterrupted folk” followed by interviews and live music played in the studio. I knew that he had experienced heart trouble over the past few years, yet it was still a shock when it was announced earlier this week that he had passed on. He was a fine fellow indeed, and the debt that Canadian folk music owes to him is incalculable. Thanks for all the tunes, Chop!
11:43 AM, March 16th, 2013
Steve Fruitman, CIUT
We all need role models and as a roots music programmer at CIUT I had mine. One of them was Chopper McKinnon coz he was so cool in an era in which folk / roots music wasn't so popular (in the 80s). So Chopper, you'll always be an inspiration to me whenever I'm on radio.
11:44 AM, March 16th, 2013
We all need role models and as a roots music programmer at CIUT I had mine. One of them was Chopper McKinnon coz he was so cool in an era in which folk / roots music wasn't so popular (in the 80s). So Chopper, you'll always be an inspiration to me whenever I'm on radio.
11:44 AM, March 16th, 2013
Mike Mercer
I first saw & met Chopper in 1994 the same year CKCU brought back the Ottawa Folk Festival and at the same time I was working for CKCU I went to 9 Ottawa Folk Festivals all the time he was from 1994 to 2002 I'll miss him so much.
11:46 AM, March 16th, 2013
I first saw & met Chopper in 1994 the same year CKCU brought back the Ottawa Folk Festival and at the same time I was working for CKCU I went to 9 Ottawa Folk Festivals all the time he was from 1994 to 2002 I'll miss him so much.
11:46 AM, March 16th, 2013
Mary Gick
I have listened to Chopper's show every Saturday morning since I moved to Ottawa in 1985. This is actually pretty remarkable because up until that time I had mostly followed mostly more traditional music and didn't listen to many singer-songwriters. But Chopper had great taste and I was hooked. And much to my surprise Chopper told Chris he wanted Paul Hornbeck and a bunch of us who play traditional old-time American music to play on his show. So we (Paul Hornbeck, Ann Downey, Bonnie Kumer, Jamie Ferguson and me) did that last November. And I'm so glad we did. When the music started at 10 this morning it really hit me and the tears started flowing. Thanks Chopper, for playing great music and having musicians on your show.
11:53 AM, March 16th, 2013
I have listened to Chopper's show every Saturday morning since I moved to Ottawa in 1985. This is actually pretty remarkable because up until that time I had mostly followed mostly more traditional music and didn't listen to many singer-songwriters. But Chopper had great taste and I was hooked. And much to my surprise Chopper told Chris he wanted Paul Hornbeck and a bunch of us who play traditional old-time American music to play on his show. So we (Paul Hornbeck, Ann Downey, Bonnie Kumer, Jamie Ferguson and me) did that last November. And I'm so glad we did. When the music started at 10 this morning it really hit me and the tears started flowing. Thanks Chopper, for playing great music and having musicians on your show.
11:53 AM, March 16th, 2013
Heather Kitching
I'm still stunned by this news, having just joined Chopper on the show after Folk Alliance. He was a huge supporter of the artists I work with all these years, and he was extremely kind to me when I was a guest on his program. I just moved to Ottawa two years ago, and I felt like I was just starting to get to know Chopper properly. My last visit with him left me very much looking forward to the next time I'd see him, and I feel so frustrated that there's not going to be one. I feel privileged to have gotten to know him as much as I did and to have been able to witness the love and affection people here have for him. Rest in peace, Chopper.
11:57 AM, March 16th, 2013
I'm still stunned by this news, having just joined Chopper on the show after Folk Alliance. He was a huge supporter of the artists I work with all these years, and he was extremely kind to me when I was a guest on his program. I just moved to Ottawa two years ago, and I felt like I was just starting to get to know Chopper properly. My last visit with him left me very much looking forward to the next time I'd see him, and I feel so frustrated that there's not going to be one. I feel privileged to have gotten to know him as much as I did and to have been able to witness the love and affection people here have for him. Rest in peace, Chopper.
11:57 AM, March 16th, 2013
Bruce Murdoch
It tool a roll of TP. Blessed be all and thank you for a lovely, touching and memorable show.
11:57 AM, March 16th, 2013
It tool a roll of TP. Blessed be all and thank you for a lovely, touching and memorable show.
11:57 AM, March 16th, 2013
Teresa Waclawik
Over the years I drew and painted Chopper as he patiently sat for me. He had such an interesting face. In the mid 1990's I returned for a visit from Vancouver and joined Chopper and Albert Prisner for my birthday drink at Wringers Laundromat & Diner in the Glebe. Chopper leaned over and said "they are looking for someone to paint a mural and I bet you could do it while you're in town." That was all the prodding I needed, the owners agreed and there I was working on a mural. I painted all three of us at the bar with laundry hanging above! A great photo of the three of us was taken in front of the window and the mural. I shall miss him and all his encouragement over the years.
12:01 PM, March 16th, 2013
Over the years I drew and painted Chopper as he patiently sat for me. He had such an interesting face. In the mid 1990's I returned for a visit from Vancouver and joined Chopper and Albert Prisner for my birthday drink at Wringers Laundromat & Diner in the Glebe. Chopper leaned over and said "they are looking for someone to paint a mural and I bet you could do it while you're in town." That was all the prodding I needed, the owners agreed and there I was working on a mural. I painted all three of us at the bar with laundry hanging above! A great photo of the three of us was taken in front of the window and the mural. I shall miss him and all his encouragement over the years.
12:01 PM, March 16th, 2013
Dj Otto
My Dad got me into Canadian Spaces when we used to go buy groceries on Saturday mornings. My father became a pretty good finger-picker because of his influence. I started working at a bagel shop in the area and stopped by the local pub one day. I heard someone say "hey Chopper!" (by this time I had my own show on CKCU) I ran over and asked the guy at the bar: "Hey you wouldn't be Chopper McKinnon would ya?". He happily said yes, and we had a few beers together. Walked him home a few times over the years. He was a kind old soul. He influenced a lot of people from many different genres of music, not just folk communities from coast to coast. God keep him close, and condolences to his massive family.
12:02 PM, March 16th, 2013
My Dad got me into Canadian Spaces when we used to go buy groceries on Saturday mornings. My father became a pretty good finger-picker because of his influence. I started working at a bagel shop in the area and stopped by the local pub one day. I heard someone say "hey Chopper!" (by this time I had my own show on CKCU) I ran over and asked the guy at the bar: "Hey you wouldn't be Chopper McKinnon would ya?". He happily said yes, and we had a few beers together. Walked him home a few times over the years. He was a kind old soul. He influenced a lot of people from many different genres of music, not just folk communities from coast to coast. God keep him close, and condolences to his massive family.
12:02 PM, March 16th, 2013
Olga Zuyderhoff
Thank you so much Chris, Lynn, Ian and Arthur for gathering together all these voices and songs remembering Chopper. He will be sorely missed far and wide. x love you guys
12:03 PM, March 16th, 2013
Thank you so much Chris, Lynn, Ian and Arthur for gathering together all these voices and songs remembering Chopper. He will be sorely missed far and wide. x love you guys
12:03 PM, March 16th, 2013
It must have been hard to get through that, but CKCU sure put on a lovely tribute. Thanks for sharing and caring.
12:03 PM, March 16th, 2013
It must have been hard to get through that, but CKCU sure put on a lovely tribute. Thanks for sharing and caring.
12:03 PM, March 16th, 2013
Cathy Miller
What a loss for Canadian folk music and for those of us who called him our friend. Thanks, Chris, Lynn and Ian for this wonderful anad difficult show - it's great to hear all the stories about him. Lots of laughter, as well as the tears. He was such a lightning rod for all of us. Farewell, my old friend.
12:04 PM, March 16th, 2013
What a loss for Canadian folk music and for those of us who called him our friend. Thanks, Chris, Lynn and Ian for this wonderful anad difficult show - it's great to hear all the stories about him. Lots of laughter, as well as the tears. He was such a lightning rod for all of us. Farewell, my old friend.
12:04 PM, March 16th, 2013
Ann d. Sharp
Chris, Arthur and Lynne I don't know how you got through that, I know that I barely did, but I am grateful to have spent 2 more hours with Chopper. Thank you. It was particularly special and hard to listen to that gifted young artist because I could hear the questions Chopper would have asked her and I knew he would have left her feeling she had a gift. I'm so sad but you helped with that. Next week please play something from Stephen Fearing as Chopper often did and I'll miss those intertwined voices. Farewell.
12:06 PM, March 16th, 2013
Chris, Arthur and Lynne I don't know how you got through that, I know that I barely did, but I am grateful to have spent 2 more hours with Chopper. Thank you. It was particularly special and hard to listen to that gifted young artist because I could hear the questions Chopper would have asked her and I knew he would have left her feeling she had a gift. I'm so sad but you helped with that. Next week please play something from Stephen Fearing as Chopper often did and I'll miss those intertwined voices. Farewell.
12:06 PM, March 16th, 2013
Bob Stark
Thanks to Chris, Lynn, Ian, and "Arf" for this very sad but special show for Chop Daddy. Perhaps one more story since Chop was a master of telling stories. One night at Irene's he asked me for someone's phone number. I stumbled and rattled off seven numbers and said "you realize I'm only guessing". He looked at me at replied with a philosophical look in his eyes "that's what we're all doing Bob". I'm guessing he's at peace sharing stories and a scotch with Willie, Colleen and others in Fiddler's Green.
12:10 PM, March 16th, 2013
Thanks to Chris, Lynn, Ian, and "Arf" for this very sad but special show for Chop Daddy. Perhaps one more story since Chop was a master of telling stories. One night at Irene's he asked me for someone's phone number. I stumbled and rattled off seven numbers and said "you realize I'm only guessing". He looked at me at replied with a philosophical look in his eyes "that's what we're all doing Bob". I'm guessing he's at peace sharing stories and a scotch with Willie, Colleen and others in Fiddler's Green.
12:10 PM, March 16th, 2013
Marla Fletcher
That was a wonderful tribute show today; thank you Chris,Lynn,Ian and Arthur for a job very well done. I'll tune in for more of the same next week, and hope the show and its focus on Canadian singer-songwriters continues for many decades to come. I'v been spending my Saturday mornings with Chopper & all these incredible musicians for many years -- and I'll really miss him. Please make sure the music doesn't stop! My personal song requests would be Colleen Peterson's "Souvenirs" and Willie P. Bennett's "The Lucky Ones" -- and, of course, something from Stephen Fearing (maybe "The Man Who Married Music"?) Just a fan...
12:39 PM, March 16th, 2013
That was a wonderful tribute show today; thank you Chris,Lynn,Ian and Arthur for a job very well done. I'll tune in for more of the same next week, and hope the show and its focus on Canadian singer-songwriters continues for many decades to come. I'v been spending my Saturday mornings with Chopper & all these incredible musicians for many years -- and I'll really miss him. Please make sure the music doesn't stop! My personal song requests would be Colleen Peterson's "Souvenirs" and Willie P. Bennett's "The Lucky Ones" -- and, of course, something from Stephen Fearing (maybe "The Man Who Married Music"?) Just a fan...
12:39 PM, March 16th, 2013
Ann Downey
I missed the first go, so I'm listening on demand, now. Thanks so much Chris, Lynn, and Ian and all. Chopper was very supportive of me whoever I played with - Finest Kind certainly appreciate all the support and air time he gave us. May his spirit and joy live on, we'll miss you Chopper!
12:57 PM, March 16th, 2013
I missed the first go, so I'm listening on demand, now. Thanks so much Chris, Lynn, and Ian and all. Chopper was very supportive of me whoever I played with - Finest Kind certainly appreciate all the support and air time he gave us. May his spirit and joy live on, we'll miss you Chopper!
12:57 PM, March 16th, 2013
David Mowbray
Sitting here in Accra Ghana with a slightly flaky internet I will listen to the tribute offline. Canadian Spaces was a show I really enjoyed. Chopper was a gentleman and CKCU won't be the same without him
2:57 PM, March 16th, 2013
Sitting here in Accra Ghana with a slightly flaky internet I will listen to the tribute offline. Canadian Spaces was a show I really enjoyed. Chopper was a gentleman and CKCU won't be the same without him
2:57 PM, March 16th, 2013
Back when I was in grade 10 (33 years ago) growing up in Braeside, up past Arnprior on the Ottawa, I felt like I might be the only person in the world who didn't fancy the music from commercial radio stations. And then, from my little plastic clock radio in my room, lo and behold, I found a radio station playing my kind a music - and the dj was a guy called Chopper. The signal wasn't so strong back then, but I would make sure I tuned in every Saturday morning at 10. Thank you Chopper - your show was a touchstone of my youth and of my life.
3:14 PM, March 16th, 2013
Back when I was in grade 10 (33 years ago) growing up in Braeside, up past Arnprior on the Ottawa, I felt like I might be the only person in the world who didn't fancy the music from commercial radio stations. And then, from my little plastic clock radio in my room, lo and behold, I found a radio station playing my kind a music - and the dj was a guy called Chopper. The signal wasn't so strong back then, but I would make sure I tuned in every Saturday morning at 10. Thank you Chopper - your show was a touchstone of my youth and of my life.
3:14 PM, March 16th, 2013
Bonnie Kumer
Listening to this stunningly moving tribute to Chopper (On Demand) I feel deeply grateful to have recently shared a moment with good friends on Chopper's show (as Mary Gick has mentioned) Thanks Chris, Ian & Lynn Feeling the love being shared
5:02 PM, March 16th, 2013
Listening to this stunningly moving tribute to Chopper (On Demand) I feel deeply grateful to have recently shared a moment with good friends on Chopper's show (as Mary Gick has mentioned) Thanks Chris, Ian & Lynn Feeling the love being shared
5:02 PM, March 16th, 2013
Pat Moore
I first met Chopper when he worked in the Ottawa Folklore Centre on Bronson. I was in my early 20's. It was quickly obvious that he was so knowledgable, and had the respect of the community. In 1986 and 87 he and Steve Parker produced Maple Hill's 2 recordings (cassette!). Years later I entered the folk scene as a singer songwriter and though was a little intimidated by Chopper, was relieved to be warmly received. He helped me, and many young performers launch our music careers. Later, when I joined CKCU, I enjoyed many wonderful encounterw with Chopper and learned so much from him. He had my full respect. I loved seeing him come in the station just as my show was winding up. Chopper - thanks for everything. And what a great show today. love to all.
5:44 PM, March 16th, 2013
I first met Chopper when he worked in the Ottawa Folklore Centre on Bronson. I was in my early 20's. It was quickly obvious that he was so knowledgable, and had the respect of the community. In 1986 and 87 he and Steve Parker produced Maple Hill's 2 recordings (cassette!). Years later I entered the folk scene as a singer songwriter and though was a little intimidated by Chopper, was relieved to be warmly received. He helped me, and many young performers launch our music careers. Later, when I joined CKCU, I enjoyed many wonderful encounterw with Chopper and learned so much from him. He had my full respect. I loved seeing him come in the station just as my show was winding up. Chopper - thanks for everything. And what a great show today. love to all.
5:44 PM, March 16th, 2013
David Mowbray, CKCU old timer
Sorry for posting twice but I finally got to listen to the show (via live on demand) here in Accra, Ghana. Lovely show. Thank you Lynn, Ian and Chris. Great to hear Bob Stark (old Woody compatriot), Arthur and the others. Won't be back in time for Irene's tribute but I am sure there will be others. Best to you all.
7:55 AM, March 17th, 2013
Sorry for posting twice but I finally got to listen to the show (via live on demand) here in Accra, Ghana. Lovely show. Thank you Lynn, Ian and Chris. Great to hear Bob Stark (old Woody compatriot), Arthur and the others. Won't be back in time for Irene's tribute but I am sure there will be others. Best to you all.
7:55 AM, March 17th, 2013
Maureen McLaughlin & Joe McGrath
Listening to Chopper's show was our Saturday morning ritual. We, as have others discovered so many new musicians through his always interesting guests and 40 minutes of uninterupted music. We will miss having our cup of brown liquid with him. Thanks to everyone there and please keep up Choppers great work.
12:33 PM, March 17th, 2013
Listening to Chopper's show was our Saturday morning ritual. We, as have others discovered so many new musicians through his always interesting guests and 40 minutes of uninterupted music. We will miss having our cup of brown liquid with him. Thanks to everyone there and please keep up Choppers great work.
12:33 PM, March 17th, 2013
Ron/Spaced Cadet
Just listened to yesterday's show for a second time(on-demand). I began to listen to Chopper's show in the early 80's after giving up on commercial radio. Unfortunately I moved out of the Ottawa Valley for a few year's. When I returned I had been back about a month but something didn't feel right until I turned on my radio one saturday morning and heard the live music and his voice again. I finally felt like I was back home... . Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you Chopper.
3:14 PM, March 17th, 2013
Just listened to yesterday's show for a second time(on-demand). I began to listen to Chopper's show in the early 80's after giving up on commercial radio. Unfortunately I moved out of the Ottawa Valley for a few year's. When I returned I had been back about a month but something didn't feel right until I turned on my radio one saturday morning and heard the live music and his voice again. I finally felt like I was back home... . Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you Chopper.
3:14 PM, March 17th, 2013
Mark Delorme
Thank you Chopper for all the memories and you. We're the best dam host I have ever met thank you just another space cadet that was lucky enough to have met you
4:07 PM, March 18th, 2013
Thank you Chopper for all the memories and you. We're the best dam host I have ever met thank you just another space cadet that was lucky enough to have met you
4:07 PM, March 18th, 2013
Glenn Allen
Thanks CKCU for "On Demand" since I wasn't able to hear the show on Saturday. And thanks to Lynn, Chris, Ian and friends for pulling together a fine tribute to our great good buddy. It was a treat to hear so many tall tales from his sparring partners over the years. You could pretty much imagine Colleen and Willie P. getting pissed off because the phone lines were busy all the time when they were trying to get in their long, long distance calls! And thanks too, for including Ariana Gillis in the show. Introducing fine new talent was Chopper's speciality and I'm sure he would have been pleased that the tradition wasn't set aside for the tributes. We'll still be making a pot of our favourite hot brown drink, but Saturday morning listening will have a big hole in it from now on.
5:36 PM, March 18th, 2013
Thanks CKCU for "On Demand" since I wasn't able to hear the show on Saturday. And thanks to Lynn, Chris, Ian and friends for pulling together a fine tribute to our great good buddy. It was a treat to hear so many tall tales from his sparring partners over the years. You could pretty much imagine Colleen and Willie P. getting pissed off because the phone lines were busy all the time when they were trying to get in their long, long distance calls! And thanks too, for including Ariana Gillis in the show. Introducing fine new talent was Chopper's speciality and I'm sure he would have been pleased that the tradition wasn't set aside for the tributes. We'll still be making a pot of our favourite hot brown drink, but Saturday morning listening will have a big hole in it from now on.
5:36 PM, March 18th, 2013
Georgette Fry
I'm struck by how many people remember where and/or when they first met Chopper, which makes sense, seeing as he was truly a "larger-than-life" character, without a trace of cliche. Oddly enough, I can't remember either the 'when' or the 'where' of our first meet, but he was a presence in my life over the last 30-some years, showing up, unannounced, at a gig here and there and even though it might be years between conversations, when we did connect, it was as if we'd just spoken yesterday. Chopper was graced with intelligence, wit and a passion for music with which he, in turn, graced all who ever had their ears open when he spoke; I'll wager that no one ever went away from a discussion with Chopper not having learned something. He will be both greatly missed and fondly remembered.
6:10 PM, March 18th, 2013
I'm struck by how many people remember where and/or when they first met Chopper, which makes sense, seeing as he was truly a "larger-than-life" character, without a trace of cliche. Oddly enough, I can't remember either the 'when' or the 'where' of our first meet, but he was a presence in my life over the last 30-some years, showing up, unannounced, at a gig here and there and even though it might be years between conversations, when we did connect, it was as if we'd just spoken yesterday. Chopper was graced with intelligence, wit and a passion for music with which he, in turn, graced all who ever had their ears open when he spoke; I'll wager that no one ever went away from a discussion with Chopper not having learned something. He will be both greatly missed and fondly remembered.
6:10 PM, March 18th, 2013
Michael Guyton
A fitting tribute to a radio host I had a chance to meet when I started volunteering at CKCU back on September 2011. Saturday Mornings won't the same without him and he's probably in that big radio booth in the sky right now. May you rest in peace until we meek again.
10:29 PM, March 18th, 2013
A fitting tribute to a radio host I had a chance to meet when I started volunteering at CKCU back on September 2011. Saturday Mornings won't the same without him and he's probably in that big radio booth in the sky right now. May you rest in peace until we meek again.
10:29 PM, March 18th, 2013
Jan Morrison
oh man oh man - this is heaven to listen to. A terrific tribute - hearing everyone's voices and memories. Chopper played the fan and no one played it like him. He was a virtuoso. Listening to Bill talking about how he wooed Chopper away from Nova Scotia. I followed him and Jim Legge to Duncan's Cove and then he was whisked away. I stayed at Gale Garnett's house in T.O. visiting Chops and we had a crazy time. Each memory that anyone brings up - Hibou, the Sunday hoots, all of it brings a cascade of more memories. Thank you so much.
12:51 PM, March 20th, 2013
oh man oh man - this is heaven to listen to. A terrific tribute - hearing everyone's voices and memories. Chopper played the fan and no one played it like him. He was a virtuoso. Listening to Bill talking about how he wooed Chopper away from Nova Scotia. I followed him and Jim Legge to Duncan's Cove and then he was whisked away. I stayed at Gale Garnett's house in T.O. visiting Chops and we had a crazy time. Each memory that anyone brings up - Hibou, the Sunday hoots, all of it brings a cascade of more memories. Thank you so much.
12:51 PM, March 20th, 2013
Andrea Karam
I am blown away by how people from all over the world knew and listened to Chopper. I am in awe and now in tears. I feel like what Chopper did on Canadian Spaces was create a little bit of magic for his listeners and guest alike. I have a tape recording of broadcast where I was promoting my Fun Guys cd in 1995. For some reason, the library didn't have the new copy and I (foolishly) didn't bring a backup. Serendipity would have it and Valdy had just performed in the show before me and agreed to "back me up"...Valdy! Now, where else would that ever happen on live radio? It was a great show and we were all buoyed by that and what a great guitarist Valdy was, too...I am so grateful to have this memory recorded. I wasn't on his show often, but whenever I did appear, it was always a great experience. I always appreciated that a bluesy R&B singer could be embraced with the same warmth as all the other roots/folky players who were the main focus of his show. I will miss you Chopstick and it's hard to believe that you are gone. We will meet again someday. Love, Andrea
4:06 PM, March 20th, 2013
I am blown away by how people from all over the world knew and listened to Chopper. I am in awe and now in tears. I feel like what Chopper did on Canadian Spaces was create a little bit of magic for his listeners and guest alike. I have a tape recording of broadcast where I was promoting my Fun Guys cd in 1995. For some reason, the library didn't have the new copy and I (foolishly) didn't bring a backup. Serendipity would have it and Valdy had just performed in the show before me and agreed to "back me up"...Valdy! Now, where else would that ever happen on live radio? It was a great show and we were all buoyed by that and what a great guitarist Valdy was, too...I am so grateful to have this memory recorded. I wasn't on his show often, but whenever I did appear, it was always a great experience. I always appreciated that a bluesy R&B singer could be embraced with the same warmth as all the other roots/folky players who were the main focus of his show. I will miss you Chopstick and it's hard to believe that you are gone. We will meet again someday. Love, Andrea
4:06 PM, March 20th, 2013
Marg Miller, Coquitlam, BC
"Friendship's a name to few confin'd, the offspring of a noble mind. A generous warmth which fills the breast and better felt than e'er exprest" A little old saying that I shared with and for Chopper back in 1968, while in college with him, and one that so obviously is how everyone who knew him felt. I am so sorry for his loss but so happy to see how much he is truly loved. Listening to your words has brought him back to life for me and given me such a wonderful picture of the man I once knew and loved. Thank you.
1:05 PM, April 1st, 2013
"Friendship's a name to few confin'd, the offspring of a noble mind. A generous warmth which fills the breast and better felt than e'er exprest" A little old saying that I shared with and for Chopper back in 1968, while in college with him, and one that so obviously is how everyone who knew him felt. I am so sorry for his loss but so happy to see how much he is truly loved. Listening to your words has brought him back to life for me and given me such a wonderful picture of the man I once knew and loved. Thank you.
1:05 PM, April 1st, 2013
Comments on this playlist have closed.
Many years ago, after he had played the “The Man from Eldorado”, I remember Chopper commented that in another life he wanted the deep, rich voice of the singer of that song - the late David Perry. At the time I laughed out loud at the thought but I also believed that at some level it was an honest admission. Perhaps they are now trading songs (and voices) somewhere in the universe. To play on Canadian Spaces for the first time was a milestone for all musicians and for many their only exposure to live radio. Chopper had a casual style that soon made his guests feel comfortable and his questions and observations were informed by a deep knowledge and love of Canadian folk music. We were always asked to “plug the gig” and play another song live. Like a priest hearing confession Chopper would bow his head, and listen intently to the music, the lyrics and the meaning of the song and would follow with another insightful comment or question. Chopper was a cornerstone of Canada’s folk music scene and will be missed by all who knew him or heard his voice on the airwaves.
10:04 AM, March 16th, 2013