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Window of Opportunity
Friday October 28th, 2011 with Tony Copple and Paul Jay
A Capella and na Capella

Window of Opportunity welcomes back Paul Jay, king of Ottawa A Capella, in the co-host chair
Window of Opportunity theme
Kate & Hollis - (single) Canadian
Jersey Hill
Jeff Andrew - Hobo Postcards - Shade Tree Records Canadian New
Java Jive
Manhattan Transfer - The Manhattan Transfer - Atlantic
Jon Brooks - Delicate Cages Canadian New
No more I love you's
Swingle Singers - Ferris Wheels
Piece of you
Annabelle Chvostek - Live from Folk Alley Canadian New
Bumble Bee
The Real Group - The Real Album
Highland Cathedral
The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards - Highland Cathedral - BGS Productions
Beatles medley
Hal Bruce - (live recording)
Sugar Mama
Deep Dark Woods - The place I left behind Canadian New
O Sifuni Mungu
First Call - Somethin' takes over - Dayspring
KellyDanielle's Lullaby
Quintessence - The joy of six Canadian