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Window of Opportunity
Friday November 6th, 2015 with Tony Copple
Adam Kavanagh live in studio

613-520-3920 We really need your help to make goal! Or pledge at Adam Kavanagh and Chris White live, + classic folk tracks
Window of Opportunity - theme
Kate and Hollis - (single) Canadian
Adam Kavanagh called this morning to say he had woken up with a bad fever and lost half his voice. So instead of having him live in studio, we will enjoy a number of tracks he recorded with his band Eppiphane. The first track, this life, includes a young Lucas Haneman ...
Chris White - Live in studio Canadian
Things behind the sun
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
This life
Adam Kavanagh & Eppiphane - You won't be judged Canadian
The System
Eppiphane - This plastic world Canadian
Reason to believe
Tim Hardin - Black Sheep Boy
This is a love song
Eppiphane - This plastic world Canadian
Most of us don't
Shawn Phillips - No Category
JEK Intro
Eppiphane - This plastic world Canadian
Eppiphane - This plastic world Canadian
Prairie Sky
Penny Lang - Dig your roots Canadian
Cool green river
David Wiffen - Songs from the lost and found Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Hi Tony and Chris! I'm listening in online from Toronto.

3:02 PM, November 6th, 2015
Laurie-Ann Copple (host)
Love it, Chris.

3:06 PM, November 6th, 2015
Mike Mercer
I'm listening in online from Seadrift Texas!:}

3:47 PM, November 6th, 2015
true story
If you are listening on demand, you can can still pledge to funding drive!

5:32 PM, November 6th, 2015