Window of Opportunity - theme Kate & Hollis - (single) |
Don't cut me down Olivia Newton John - Gaia |
Day is done Nick Drake - Five Leaves Left - Island |
When Day is Done Ketty Lester - Greatest Hits |
Day is done Peter Paul & Mary - Peter Paul and Mommy - Warner Bros |
Day is done Norah Jones - Blue Note Trip Tease Pt2 - Blue Note |
G20 song Annabelle Chvostek - Rise - Borealis |
Israeli Geography 101 David Rovica - Meanwhile in Afghanistan |
Turkish Delight Beyond the Pale - Postcards - Borealis |
Snowy Soul Trent Severn - Trent Severn |
What we see TequilaMochingbird Orchestra - Follow my lead, Lead me to follow |
You stole the chords from my guitar Rye and Fairytales - Rye and Fairytales |
ChiamamiAdesso Espresso Manifesto - The songs of Paolo Conte - Minerva Road Entertainment |
Steel this MP3 David Rovics - Meanwhile in Afghanistan |
I'm enjoying the show, Tony! Thanks for mentioning the Ottawa Grassroots Festival --
3:35 PM, March 1st, 2013