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The Dylan Hunter Show
Friday August 17th, 2018 with RADIO CAMP KIDS!
Vivi, Jakob, Oliver, and Akhile showcase the work they've done this week.

Who Are You
The Who - Who Are You
I Like It
Cardi B - Invasion of Privacy
Edge of the Earth
30 Seconds to Mars - S/T
Kero Kero - Bit Bops
Plug Walk
Rich the Kid - The World is Yours
Kirin J Callinan - AHHHHHHH
Your Attitude Towards Cuttlefish
Paper Moon - For The Kids Too
Look Alive
BlocBoy JB ft Drake - Simi Canadian
OneRepublic - Single New
Weird Al Yankovick - Mandatory Fun
Whatever It Takes
Imagine Dragons - Evolve
Interactive CKCU
Nikolas Prystupa-Maule (host)
Don't forget the comments and tell the kids how great their work is!

12:55 PM, August 17th, 2018
Stephanie (Jakob's mom)
Hahaha, love Vivi's tree review. So creative.

1:08 PM, August 17th, 2018
Stephanie (Jakob's mom)
It's great that Oliver is into the classics! Go The Who!

1:18 PM, August 17th, 2018
Hello to the young broadcasters!! Loving the variety of your programming.

1:24 PM, August 17th, 2018
Brian (Jakob's dad)
Great interview! Reminds me of the "interviews" Weird Al would do by cutting up interviews and asking his own questions :)

1:25 PM, August 17th, 2018
Stephanie (Jakob's mom)
Great interview with Chris Pratt. He's so dreamy. :)

1:27 PM, August 17th, 2018
Stephanie (Jakob's mom)
Great content in the War Thunder review!

1:38 PM, August 17th, 2018
Stephanie (Jakob's mom)
Great play you guys! You all did a terrific job!

1:56 PM, August 17th, 2018
Stephanie (Jakob's mom)
Akhile - now Barney's song will be in my head for the rest of the day, oh no! But good job doing your homework on the pros and cons of the show.

1:58 PM, August 17th, 2018
Great interviews!

2:04 PM, August 17th, 2018
Big fan
great job, keep it up. Love the music, too :)

2:04 PM, August 17th, 2018
Are you taking music requests? If you are, could you play "your attitude toward cuttle fish" by Papermoon. -- dedicated to Vivi

2:06 PM, August 17th, 2018
AHHH - wow!

2:12 PM, August 17th, 2018
Helpful listener
Is this the song you're looking for the artist of?

2:13 PM, August 17th, 2018
thanks kids!

2:15 PM, August 17th, 2018
Mike & Naomi (Ollie’s folks)
Awesome music, commercials and radio plays!!

2:21 PM, August 17th, 2018
Nikolas Prystupa-Maule (host)
I knew you would say that! -Oliver

2:24 PM, August 17th, 2018
Nikolas Prystupa-Maule (host)

2:24 PM, August 17th, 2018
GREAT program today young broadcasters!! I especially enjoyed the radio play (and glad Nik survived ;^). Sure wish there had been a radio camp when I was a kid! Also, not as creepy and weird as the Dylan show this one takes over. >;^>

2:32 PM, August 17th, 2018
Jakob's parents
Hi Vivi! - just sending you another comment.

2:43 PM, August 17th, 2018
Nikolas Prystupa-Maule (host)
Thank you so much! :^P - Vivi

2:43 PM, August 17th, 2018
Nikolas Prystupa-Maule (host)
Thanks to "Helpful listener" for helping us find the mystery artist from AHHHHH

2:50 PM, August 17th, 2018
Thank you Nik and counsellors for guiding the kids this week. Well done, I really enjoyed it!! Great job campers!

2:59 PM, August 17th, 2018
Stephanie (Jakob's mom)
Great job to you all for putting an interesting program together! I was so much fun to listen in!

3:04 PM, August 17th, 2018