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The Dylan Hunter Show
Friday July 4th, 2014 with Participants in the Finding Your Voice workshop
Finding Your Voice Radio Camp Participants

Tune in to hear the first ever "Finding Your Voice" radio camp for adults who are blind/vision-impaired. Listen in as Vivian, Lorne, Rebecca, Manju Sri and Ray showcase all they have learned during this three-day session, facilitated by CKCU hosts Chris White and Kim Kilpatrick
Kim Kilpatrick and Chris White introduce the Radio Experience Finding Your Voice workshop and its participants
Blue Wing
Tom Russell - ?
Little Willy John - ?
I Know A Hearache When I See One
Jennifer Warnes - ?
I Hope You Dance
Leanne Womack - ?
A Woman in the House
Vivian Sollows - live in studio Canadian
Come With Me Now
The Kongos - Youtube
Leslie Is Different
Fred Small - ?
A Place In The Sun
Stevie Wonder - ?
Blind Love
Vivian Sollows - live in studio Canadian
Hen Ferchentan
Carreg Lafar - ?
Hen Ferchentan
Cor Telynau Tywi - Cor Telynau Tywi
Hen Ferchetan
Eden - Paid A Bod Ofn Ta Ra
More To Life
Vivian Sollows - live in studio Canadian
Little Matty Groves
Doc Watson - ?
The People You Love
Lynn Miles - ? Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris (host)
Hello All, Tune in as the participants of the Finding Your Voice Radio Camp participants showcase all they have learned in this three-day session.

10:45 AM, July 4th, 2014
Elorious Cain
Another amazing milestone in the history of CKCU!

1:29 PM, July 4th, 2014
Shelley Ann Morris (host)
Hi Elorious, thanks for the comments--much appreciated. I've been listening to The Groove since it started. Yes it was a huge milestone for us. We had a lot of fun doing the workshop. Thanks so much for listening in!

8:08 AM, July 6th, 2014
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