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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday October 5th, 2023 with Colin & Emily
Infinite Ceiling: Garage Punk, Emo and more! Thursday Evenings w/ Colin & Emily

Come join Colin and Emily this evening as they spin some Title Fight, Government Issue and other fresh tunes!
After Hours
Alyson McNamara - Let Me Sleep Canadian
Cold Space
Liz Dix - I Can't Be The One Canadian
Main St.
Black Suit Devil - A Matter of Time Canadian
Hopefully Mutinous
Alex Archibald - Wood Bug Canadian
Head In The Ceiling Fan
Title Fight - Floral Green
Third Gear Scratch
Shiner - Lula Divinia
Ariel vs. Lotus
Limblifter - Bellaclava Canadian
Simple Favor
Knapsack - Day Three Of My New Life
Scalawag - Sehnsucht Canadian
Scalawag - Sehnsucht Canadian
Logan and Nathan - The Happening Canadian
Dance With Me
T.S.O.L. - Dance With Me
Better Homes And Gardens
SNFU - If You Swear, You'll Catch No Fish Canadian
Priors - Daffodil Canadian
Don't Touch Me (I'm A Punk)
Leather Jacuzzi - Monsters, Narcs and Idiots Canadian
Decision '84
76% Uncertain - Estimated Monkey Time
Time To Escape
Government Issue - Joy Ride
Interactive CKCU
As you corrected me about SpongeBob Colin, I must call you out for the dogs name, you were close but it is Ember not Amber

8:35 PM, October 5th, 2023
Colin Boudreault (host)
It's only fair you get a chance to correct me! :D Duly noted going forward, Mac!

8:42 PM, October 5th, 2023
Haha have to take my chances when I get them, Emily can attest I don't get many chances to be right. First block was great looking forward to the second!

9:08 PM, October 5th, 2023
"Black Suit Devil" is a HUGE find! He is great! The band backs him fine. A Revolutionary! Peace. 🕊️

1:26 AM, October 10th, 2023