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Thursday Special Blend
Thursday August 22nd, 2024 with Jeff Larocque
Show #294 featuring Graven, a Michael Powell Show Take-Over. Just after 9am, sensational new local music group "Soul Dive" drops by our On Air Studio

The countdown is on! Final hours to get your tickets to "Barnstorm 24" in Finch. Saturday, August 24, 2024. The 24th Annual BTW. Tickets still available: Connect with me here. Leave a comment on the show page. Email: Instagram @thursdayspecialblend Photo of "Soul Dive" on today's show page (L to R): Ken, Ollie, Grace & Kevin Photo Credit: @diandra.cazadora
Cutting So Fine (Thursday Blend Mix)
Canada High - Canada High (Working Title) Canadian
So Real
Melissa Payne - So Real (Single) (2023) Canadian
Grab up a ticket or two for Friday evening's (August 23, 2024) house concert at Graven's place in Nepean featuring Melissa Payne as the headliner. 7pm to 9pm. Location will be included with your ticket when you purchase thru this link:
Just Enough
Graven - Always Everything (2024) Canadian
1000 Pieces
Melissa Payne - Darker Than Your Dark (2020) Canadian
Hey Kid (You Got Soul)/Today, Tonight and Tomorrow
Lowest of the Low - Hey Kid (You Got Soul)/Today, Tonight and Tomorrow (2023) Canadian
Out On a Win
Corb Lund - El Viejo Canadian
Too Hot to Sleep
Daniel Romano - Too Hot to Sleep Canadian
Jean-Talon Market- Brass Version
Julie Doiron and Dany Placard - Jean-Talon Market Canadian
Leaving it All Behind
Cuff the Duke - Single Canadian
Canadian Goose Trilogy
Gasper - Canadian Goose Trilogy Canadian
Soul Dive
Soul Dive - Is It Time (EP) 2024 Canadian New
More To This Life **World Radio Premier**
Soul Dive - More To This Life (Single) Releasing 09/01/2024 Canadian New
Interactive CKCU
Neil & The Dancing Labrador
I am with you Jeff. Stupid humans who park right up against your car in a parking lot full of spaces is my NUMBER ONE pet peeve. In fact, it literally infuriates me! Your show, on the other hand, lights up my day with sunshine!!! Have a blast at Barnstorm. I am so disappointed to be unable to attend. Drake is on meds for 10 days which make it impossible to go and I need to administer his meds at times that are just not workable. Have double the fun on my behalf!!!!

8:48 AM, August 22nd, 2024
James Leclaire
Makes me feel very proud and full of love!

9:14 AM, August 22nd, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
Thank you James. Sorry about not getting your song on air as promised

9:16 AM, August 22nd, 2024
Very, very good. grabbed a D harp & played along... I joined them so it was a meditation.... (play it again!)

9:23 AM, August 22nd, 2024
Soul Dive is also a Korean Hip Hop band...

9:25 AM, August 22nd, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
Thanks for your feedback Hillbilly! Glad you liked what Soul Dive is doing! They're just getting started!

10:46 AM, August 22nd, 2024