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Thursday Special Blend
Thursday June 13th, 2024 with Jeff Larocque & Riley Murphy!
Riley Murphy's debut season RE-CAP today! And... a surprise drop in by RM Radio!

It's been 2 months since co-host Riley was Live in Studio. Thought it would be a good time to look back on some of the highlights of her first season on The Mighty 93.1 Also, new music today from James Leclaire, Hemlock Hotel and Mia Kelly!
Cutting So Fine (Thursday Special Blend Mix)
Canada High - Canada High (Working Title) Canadian
Victim of the Blues
James Leclaire - Victim of the Blues (Single) (Out Now!) Canadian New
Rumble *7:45 Feature*
Link Wray & The Wraymen - Rumble (Single) (1958)
The Tower of Song *7:45 Feature*
Leonard Cohen - I'm Your Man (1988) Canadian
Meaning Well
Mia Kelly - Meaning Well (Single) (Released 06/12/24) Canadian New
Running Out Of Road *World Radio Premier*
Hemlock Hotel - Running Out Of Road (Single) (Release TBA) Canadian New
This hour is dedicated to "listening back" on co-host Riley Murphy's first season on CKCU and Thursday Special Blend. Clips were taken from the following shows (all available On Demand). "Riley's Debut" on Sept 14/23 "The Pie Contest" from Oct 12/23 "Parkdale Food Centre" from Nov 30/23 "Riley's first Solo Show" on Jan 25/24 "Riley's Birthday and Sean Sisk" on Feb 1/24 Check out the video from "World Radio Day" 2024 here in Ottawa on Feb 13/24 that included two interviews by our own Riley Murphy! Final clip from Riley's last show of the season on April 11, 2024
Clear the Crowds
Jim Bryson - Where the Bungalows Roam (2007) Canadian
Self Titled
Guest Room Status - Self Titled Canadian
Jar of Topics Theme feat. Heather, Riley & Bernard
Church of Trees (unofficial) - LIVE recording sesh - exclusive! Canadian
Call Me Back
The High Loves - Call Me Back (Single) (2021) Canadian
Bleed a Little While Tonight (faded for time)
The Lowest of the Low - Shakespeare My Butt... Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris
Hi Jeff, Bathroom renovations coming in the home stretch--hopefully! Rumble--my step-son does a mean version of this song. A song that's wayyyy older than he is!

7:44 AM, June 13th, 2024
Neil and his Dancing Labrador
Nice! Link Wray and one of my fave Leonard Cohen songs!!!!You be Da Man, Jeff!!

7:45 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
I am the same age as Rumble.... so there you go!

7:45 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
Good Morning Neil & DL Glad you're tuned in!

7:46 AM, June 13th, 2024
Neil & DL
To get my age, Jeff, you have to cut off my leg and count the there you go lol

8:01 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)

8:03 AM, June 13th, 2024
I hear u

8:34 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
Yikes.... technical issues abound!

8:35 AM, June 13th, 2024
your now online, but not on radio

8:35 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
OK... so I suspect you can still hear the show, but the in-studio monitors and headphones have gone completely haywire. So, I will continue to play the clips in order.

8:37 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
Can anyone online confirm if you can still hear the program?

8:39 AM, June 13th, 2024
I can gear you online.

8:45 AM, June 13th, 2024
or hear you 😂

8:46 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
Thanks Bernard... the host voice mics are not working. Fortunately I pre-recorded 95% of today's show. I even found something titled "Jar of Topics" that will play soon. ;o)

8:46 AM, June 13th, 2024
Oooh Jar of Topics!!

8:47 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
Riley had hoped that I wouldn't find it.... lol.

8:49 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
OH... update... I think we are back on FM locally now. Yay!

8:51 AM, June 13th, 2024

8:53 AM, June 13th, 2024
Keep on trucking, Jeff! FM has been weird for a couple station over the last few days. But your back on now! And congratulations Riley. You're a natural 🙂

8:56 AM, June 13th, 2024
Shelley Ann Morris
Party in the bathroom! 3 workers there now! Gimme A C--A bouncy C--that brings back memories.

8:58 AM, June 13th, 2024
Neil and his Dancing Labrador
Technical problems have been an issue for over a month now and getting worse. Yesterday the radio signal was off air on all me radios including the new car for most of the day. On a good day, it's microphones cutting out, static for prolonged periods or simply no signal. Online is fine. Doesn't help me all day when I am outside working the hobby farm. Sigh! BTW. I am with you Jeff......playlist is paramount to "hungry ears" in Radioland! Great job today Jeff and Riley!! Technical issues are not on the wonderful volunteer host we love so much!!

8:59 AM, June 13th, 2024
Shelley Ann Morris
Can you imagine if someone just tuned into CKCU and heard the Jar of Topics segment? Hahahahaha. Made me laugh.

9:00 AM, June 13th, 2024
Shelley Ann Morris
Missed the technical glitches--going over some details with the workers in the loo. Love reading all the comments--people and pets, listening in.

9:01 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
Thanks for the support Neil and Shelley Ann.

9:02 AM, June 13th, 2024
Oh my! I think Heather, Stella, and I should record an official Jar of Topics for you!

9:02 AM, June 13th, 2024
Neil & DL
Hosts .....doh ..typos

9:03 AM, June 13th, 2024
Neil & DL
Hosts .....doh ..typos

9:03 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
We can always use your help Bernard!

9:10 AM, June 13th, 2024
Shelley Ann Morris
Riley, this is a great place to use and develop your journalistic skills. Really enjoyed listening to you on the air with Jeff. Looking forward to hearing you on the air again! You ask some really insightful questions during your interviews--you are a good listener, too. Congratulations on all your successes.

9:11 AM, June 13th, 2024
A A A A A A A!!!

9:22 AM, June 13th, 2024
Jeff Larocque (host)
That's How Riley Rolls Hillbilly!

9:23 AM, June 13th, 2024