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Fundraiser for YACC: Lemmy Returns!!
8:00 PM on Saturday Jan. 25th
House Of TARG, 1077 Bank Street
Price: $20


January 25th at House of Targ, some of Ottawa's best will be playing the music of and paying tribute to Lemmy Kilmister!

Legendary frontman of Motörhead, one time member of Hawkwind, and a pioneer of rock and heavy metal. A musician who inspired millions of musicians and lovers of loud, fast and heavy music, (and some say brought together the warring factions of punk and metal), Lemmy was the embodiment of rock 'n' roll.
What better way to celebrate him, then get together and play his music?!

Featuring members of:

Uncle Depressant
Mars at the Helm
Double Talker
Lefty & His Right Hand Band
Mouthful of Gio
Scarlet Sins
King Swan

This year we will be supporting YACC, (Young Adult Cancer Canada), who's mission is to support young adults living with, through, and beyond cancer. To be the connection to peers, bridge out of isolation, and source of inspiration. Every cancer, every stage, YACC’s got your back.

All proceeds from the event, plus silent auction will be going to YACC.