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Step Zero Productions presents: Filter Vol 1.0
6:00 PM on Friday Aug. 16th
Bronson Centre Music Theatre - Room 098 Basement, 211 Bronson Avenue
Price: Early Birds Adults ( 15.00 $ ) Kids (10.00$) Door price Adults ( 20.00$) Coat Check (2.00$)

Welcome everyone !

***ATTENTION to everyone attending***

Step Zero Productions is founded on basis and principle of sobriety we are bringing back the rave scene with a new twist with dry raves and sober events.

We ask everyone who would like to participate or attend our events in and outside of the recovery community to ** show up clean and sober and leave clean and sober** !!!

This is a substance abstinence based community event 🙂

We still love to party and go hard and no we are not saints.

Please respect our concept and our mission , we do have rights of refusal to admission of entry if we don 't see fit for our events.

All ravers come on down and have fun bring your glow sticks and dancing shoes for the love and passion for electronic music and our amazing and talented Dj's in the Ottawa scene.

We do have a non alcoholic bar at our event serving a variety of drinks.

Lets support each other and have a blast!

6:00 - 7:15 - Dj I.D.E Projekt
7:15 - 8:30 - Dj Darken
8:30 - 9:45 - Dj Serpenta
9:45 - 11:00 - Dj Joe Rowe
11:00 - 12:30 - Dj Techno Titan (Montreal)

Happy raving 🙂
Sincerely, Step Zero crew

We accept non perishable items for the Ottawa Food Bank!

Usually +19 event ( special event - Family friendly )

Early Birds Adults ( 15.00 $ ) Kids (10.00$)
Door price Adults ( 20.00$) Coat Check (2.00$)