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Side By Side presents .... Local 50/50 Series Vol. 1: Labour For Palestine:: Sugar Bomb! / Still Life And Street / DJ Trinidaddy
8:00 PM on Saturday Apr. 13th
LIVE! on Elgin, 220 Elgin Street, 2nd Floor
Price: $15 advance / No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds

New series of live music events showcasing local Ottawa/Gatineau artists, that donate 50% of proceeds to local community groups and organizations, and pays 50% to the performers.

This inaugural event will donate proceeds to the Labour For Palestine community defence fund in Ottawa, to support community members targeted / arrested / charged for protesting the ongoing genocide in Palestine. We stand firmly in solidarity with the Palestinian people, against colonialism and imperialism and we support movements towards decolonization around the world and here on Turtle Island.

More info:

Performances by:

Sugar Bomb!

Still Life and Street

DJ Trinidaddy

ALL AGES/Licensed
No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds (email to set up a PWYC ticket if needed)

Flyer by Fabien Pleur

We acknowledge the continued spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory-transmitted viruses, and encourage attendees and performers to wear masks inside the venue. If you're sick or have any symptoms, please stay home. There will be other shows.
Respect one another. No harmful or oppressive behaviour including but not limited to racism, sexism, transphobia, queerphobia, ableism, and bullying or harassment of any kind.

This venue, this event, and the work we do occupies unceded territory of the Algonquin-Anishinabeg people. We are privileged to be guests on this land and we support the movement towards decolonization.