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Night Of The One-Man Bands
9:00 PM on Saturday Mar. 9th, 2024
House Of TARG, 1077 Bank Street
Price: $15

A one-man band like no other, Lefty & His Right-Hand Band fuses psychobilly and murder ballads into an unholy mixture of apocalyptic good times, a freakshow rollercoaster of emotions driven by thundering bass lines and electronic drums. Themes include whisky, the end of the world, more whisky.

Jon Cohen Experimental (MTL)
Fantasy prom king, master crafter of cult-pop gems and multi-threat instrumentalist Jon Cohen Experimental creates sweet but potent stories that spring from curiosity. This dynamic one-man band's beguiling art rock inventions and melodic hooks promise a sultry escape from those pesky workaday hang-ups. At times folksy, indie and at times grungy, the E.L.O vs. 90’s vibe is raw and unapologetic.

Mississippi Grover (Kingston )
Mississippi Grover is NOT from Mississippi, though he did ride a train through there once... In early 2005, Mississippi Grover rose from the ashes of The Desecrators (Ottawa), born again as a one-man band, playing swampy garage and primitive blues punk stuff, also known as rock 'n' roll. He has been driving around since then, dazzling audiences of all sorts with his moonshiny gumbo of sound. That's right, he's a one-man travelling-medicine-show, and his tonic is SONIC, baby!

SnowHeel Slim (Blackheath/Hamilton)
Snow-Heel Slim is a one-man chicken-boogie outfit armed with raunch geetar and a gas-can bass-drum. He plays an array of his own hits as well as some from the long lost and unsung.