OEM presents: Species at Risk, Hunter, Gatherer and Eon Collide
8:00 PM on Friday Oct. 18th, 2019
Pressed, 750 Gladstone Ave.
Price: $10

8:00 PM on Friday Oct. 18th, 2019
Pressed, 750 Gladstone Ave.
Price: $10
Eon Collide (Montreal)
listen on https://soundcloud.com/eoncollide
Hunter, Gatherer (Ottawa)
listen on https://huntergathererblackmetal.bandcamp.com/
Species at Risk (Ottawa)
listen on https://speciesatrisk.bandcamp.com/releases
Une présentation de Ottawa Experimental Music en collaboration avec Gary Thibert et Pressed / Presented by Ottawa Experimental Music in collaboration with Gary Thibert & Pressed.
(Affiche créée par / Poster created by Ugo Bossé (batteur pour Eon Collide (ex batteur pour Appalaches)
listen on https://soundcloud.com/eoncollide
Hunter, Gatherer (Ottawa)
listen on https://huntergathererblackmetal.bandcamp.com/
Species at Risk (Ottawa)
listen on https://speciesatrisk.bandcamp.com/releases
Une présentation de Ottawa Experimental Music en collaboration avec Gary Thibert et Pressed / Presented by Ottawa Experimental Music in collaboration with Gary Thibert & Pressed.
(Affiche créée par / Poster created by Ugo Bossé (batteur pour Eon Collide (ex batteur pour Appalaches)