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Earth Day: The Story of Plastic - Screening & Discussion
2:00 PM on Wednesday Apr. 22nd, 2020
Online, FREE

You’re invited to two April 22 Earth Day events: A unifying Time of Prayer for the Earth at 10:00 am and a 2:00 pm screening and follow-up discussion of “The Story of Plastic”, an informative, in-depth look at the impacts of plastic on our world.

The coronavirus pandemic has postponed in-person gatherings to discuss what can be done to protect the Water, the Air and the Earth. But we’re finding ways to continue our important work in these areas, developing solutions to the ongoing problem of plastic trash in our water. This time of isolation is the ideal time to learn about and prepare to live differently for the benefit of the planet, once the physical restrictions are lifted. Now is the time to envision a world without unnecessary single-use plastic.

We want to hear everyone’s ideas on eliminating single-use plastics. We’ll show The Story of Plastic at 2:00 pm and follow with an online community discussion at 3:30 pm. You can also watch the film anytime between April 20-22, and then join the online follow-up discussion at 3:30 on April 22.

Some questions you may wish to consider prior to the event:

1. How do we continue the healing of the Earth that has begun with the unprecedented shutdown due to COVID-19?

2. If you could do just one thing to reduce plastics, once the physical restrictions are lifted, what would that be?

3. Will you vocally advocate for the environment, support more research into better alternatives to plastic and continue to challenge businesses that use excess plastic?

How to View the Film and Join the Discussion:

Once you have registered at the link below you will receive a link to the free screening of "The Story of Plastic".

Happy Earth Day, everyone!
Since a protest on April 22,1970 against the exploitation of our environment, this day has been celebrated for 50 years around the world as a way to highlight the need to protect Mother Earth.

The WaterCare Allies of First United Church are offering and coordinating "A Time of Prayer for the Earth" at 10:00 am to celebrate Earth Day. You’re invited to join in this unifying experience of Sacred Activism by following the process below.

"A Time of Prayer for the Earth"

We invite you to sit quietly and clear your mind of the news that swirls around you. Slowly, take a few deep breaths....breathe in, breathe out....repeat 5 times.

Listen for the call to action to heal the Earth. Listen for ways you can walk the talk.

Listen for the ways Mother Earth is responding at this time of crisis, as we are all isolating to keep ourselves and others safe.

Listen to the reduced noise levels with less traffic....listen to the songs of the birds, the babbling of the river rapids, the wind whispering in the trees. Listen to these natural sounds that were previously been drowned out in our busyness.

Take a moment to be filled with gratitude for the incredible sounds of nature as we sit together in silence. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly.

Bring to mind those things that come from the Earth that sustain us:

The air we breathe

The water we drink

The food we eat

The materials that build our homes

The clothing that keeps us warm

All of these come from the life-giving planet we call home.

Take this moment to silently thank the Earth for all that you appreciate in your life. Thank you for sharing this time with us to honour Mother Earth.